Keynote speech from Tony Danker, CBI Director General | Bloomberg Professional Services

Keynote Speech From Tony Danker, CBI Director General

Bloomberg is delighted to invite you to an exclusive virtual briefing with Tony Danker, Director-General of the Confederation of Business Industry.

In his first major speech of 2021, Mr. Danker will argue why the UK needs its first ever economic strategy - shaped and driven by business: to build a modern, dynamic and competitive economy equipped to win in the decade ahead.

Mr. Danker will also take questions from the audience of this exclusive briefing. We encourage participants to submit questions upon registration.


Tony Danker



Tony joined the CBI as Director-General in November 2020. His career spans a range of roles in business, media and government. Before the CBI, Tony was the first CEO of Be the Business, a business-led movement created to transform UK’s productivity founded by a group of FTSE-100 Chairmen and the former Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne. From 2010-2017 Tony was International Director, then Chief Strategy Officer, at Guardian News & Media. For two years before that, he was a Policy Advisor HM Government (2008-10), joining the Cabinet Office and HM Treasury. Tony’s early career was at McKinsey & Company (1998-2008) in London and Washington DC where he worked for 10 years

Constantin Cotzias

European Director

Bloomberg L.P.

Constantin M. Cotzias is European Director at Bloomberg L.P. and chair of Bloomberg London. He is Global Head of External Affairs. He is a Director of Bloomberg Tradebook and Bloomberg Multilateral Trading Facility. He sits on the Mayor of London Economic Advisory Board and the Prime Minister’s Business Advisory Council. He was previously CEO of Bloomberg’s legal and regulatory news and research division. He joined Bloomberg in 2001 as Chief Counsel.

Prior to Bloomberg, Cotzias was a senior mergers and acquisitions lawyer at Denton Wilde Sapte (presently known as Dentons), one of the United Kingdom’s largest law firms, where he advised on mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures, and IPOs across industries including media, telecoms, technology, and energy. From 1998-2000, he was Chief Counsel of Denton Wilde Sapte’s Moscow office. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Modern History and Politics and is a Law graduate from the London School of Economics (University of London). Cotzias earned honours in the English Law Society Final Examinations and is a solicitor of the Supreme Court of England and Wales.

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