Optimisation through centralised treasury & risk management solutions | Bloomberg Professional Services

Optimisation Through Centralised Treasury & Risk Management Solutions

Unprecedented market volatility driven by the COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically elevated the importance of robust intraday and end-of-day risk analytics to treasurers. Improving and scaling technology systems is also proving vital as banks look to better understand and manage various market and counterparty risks during extreme market movements.

Join us for a comprehensive overview of Bloomberg's treasury and risk management solutions for pre-trade analytics, execution and positions monitoring, and post-trade risk management.

Discussion topics:
  • Pre-trade analytics for treasury workflow
  • Trade execution, ticketing & positions monitoring
  • Risk management: VAR, stress testing, hedge effectiveness & lifecycle management
Pre-registration is essential.


Vijesh Peris

Middle East & Africa Treasury Market Specialist


Vijesh is a Treasury market specialist at Bloomberg, covering Middle East & Africa. His area of focus & expertise include trading and risk management for cross asset solutions. Vijesh has been with Bloomberg since July 2018 prior to which he used to be a derivatives structurer and trader for almost 10 years with different institutions in the region.

Peter Pavlou

Trading Solutions Specialist

Bloomberg L.P.

Trading solutions specialist for the Sell-side covering Africa and Europe, specialising in Treasury and front office risk solutions. Peter has 19 years of experience in finance, working with banks to streamline their technology stack by adopting Bloomberg trading, risk and regulatory solutions to establish a full end-to-end workflow. Prior to Bloomberg, Peter worked for 11 years at one of the largest investment banks on the LDI and ALM desk as well as other roles in fixed income.


Risk Solutions Specialist


Aimen El Hadj is a Risk solution specialist at Bloomberg, covering Africa. His areas of expertise include Trading, Market Risk, Counterparty and Credit Risk as well as Collateral mitigation. Aimen has 14 years of experience in product management and sales helping various sell side institutions in Europe and Africa to adapt their technology stack to a moving regulatory and business landscape.

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