NAV Oversight and Contingency – Industry Trends, Practices and Solutions | Bloomberg Professional Services

NAV Oversight and Contingency – Industry Trends, Practices and Solutions

The evolving regulatory landscape is raising new concerns and challenges for operations and risk leaders on the buy side. The COVID-19 pandemic has prompted regulators globally to review risks associated with outsourcing to third parties. With this renewed focus, firms are proactively reviewing their current governance and contingency of outsourced service providers, with a focus on calculation of their NAV’s. Join us for analysis and discussion including a review of current industry practices and solutions uncovered in Celent’s groundbreaking research sponsored by Bloomberg. The session will delve into the salient findings of the report, the current and evolving regulatory environment, and industry updates since the report’s publication in July 2020. The session will be valuable to buy side leaders focused on operations and operational risk management. The webinar will be presented by Brad Bailey and Andrew Schwartz from Celent, and John Buscema from Bloomberg.


Andrew Schwartz

Capital Markets Analyst


Andrew Schwartz is a Capital Markets Analyst with Celent. His primary area of coverage includes NAV Oversight & Contingency tools. Andrew published a report profiling the solution offerings and highlighting the central business drivers within the space. He is presently working on a second report which analyzes each of the Oversight & Contingency tools on a granular level. Andrew’s research has been featured in multiple publications including Business Insider, Investment News and Prior to joining Celent, Andrew was a Research Associate at a long-short equity hedge fund.

Brad Bailey

Research Director, Capital Markets


Brad J. Bailey is a Research Director with Celent's Capital Markets division. He is an expert in capital markets technology across asset classes and is a recognized thought leader in buy and sell side technology, data analytics, and capital markets fintech. An authority on financial technology, Brad has been widely quoted in the press, including the Wall Street Journal, American Banker, Financial Times, Institutional Investor, Forbes, USA Today, and the New York Post as well as appearing on Bloomberg TV, BBC News, Sirius Radio, NPR and a variety of podcasts. He is also a frequent speaker at (virtual) industry conferences and client gatherings globally.

John Buscema

Product Head Buy Side Contingency & Oversight

Bloomberg L.P.

John Buscema joined Bloomberg on 2013 and is currently Product Head overseeing Buy Side Contingency & Oversight. John has over twenty five years experience in buy side operations and fund administration, as well as related technologies. John was President and Founder of International Fund Administration (“IFA”) which was acquired by The Bank of New York and renamed BNY Alternative Investment Services. Prior to founding IFA, John was a Managing Director at Alpha Investment Management in charge of Operations.

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