Belgium & Luxembourg Investment Summit 2021 | Bloomberg Professional Services

Belgium & Luxembourg Investment Summit 2021

Join Bloomberg and industry thought leaders for our first virtual Belgium and Luxembourg Investment Summit. In this year's edition, our experts and guests will discuss the current sustainable debt focus, green investing and building a crisis-proof portfolio to prepare for the next turmoil. The event will include keynote speeches and live panel discussions.

Alongside top speakers from across Europe, the summit brings together more than 300 asset managers and investment professionals from family offices, funds of funds, private banks and other institutions for a morning of insightful exchanges.


9:00 - 9:05 Welcome remarks: Peter Grauer, Chairman, Bloomberg L.P

9:05 – 9:10 Summit introduction: Adeem Altaf, EMEA Head of Sales, Bloomberg L.P

9:10 – 9:55 Sustainable debt – Supply and demand.
  • Issuance in 2020 - highest number of bonds issued thus far. Is this the new prerequisite to get funding?
  • The Buy-side view - incorporating Green and Social Bonds in the portfolios: what factors to consider?
  • Panel:
    • Dr. Hakan Lucius, Head of Corporate Responsibility at the EIB, the European Union’s Bank
    • Lara Pavanello, Borrowing and Lending Officer, European Commission
    • Ronald Van Steenweghen, Fixed income Fund Manager, Degroof Petercam Asset Management
    • Dr. Ulf Erlandsson, Chief Executive Officer, Anthropocene Fixed Income Institute
    • Moderator: Greg Ritchie, Journalist, Bloomberg News
Break: 10 min

10:05 – 10:50 Race to Net Zero - Investor and Corporate Perspectives.
  • Corporates: How to set and finance ambitious carbon targets? What are the dilemma, challenges and opportunities?
  • Investor: How to assess and compare the strength of corporates carbon commitment? How to embed them into stock selection and asset allocation?
  • Panel:
    • Dr. Wim Van Hyfte, Global Head of ESG Investments and Research, Candriam  
    • Karim Hajjar, Chief Financial Officer, Solvay
    • Moderator: Adeline Diab, Head of ESG and Thematic Investing for EMEA, Bloomberg Intelligence
Break: 10 min

11:00 – 11:50 Building a crisis-proof portfolio – how to survive the next turmoil?
  • Rotation of the investment strategy, where is the new safe harbour?
  • Economic outlook for 2021 and impact on asset allocation.
  • Panel:
    • Xavier Hannaerts, Head of Investments & Conducting Officer, Spuerkeess Asset Management
    • Fredrik Skoglund, Group Chief Investment Officer, Banque Internationale à Luxembourg, S.A. (BIL)
    • Wim Vermeir, Chief Investment Officer, AG insurance
    • Moderator: Dani Burger, Correspondent, Bloomberg Television
11:50 - 12:15: Exclusive interview with Pierre Gramegna, Minister of Finance, Luxembourg - by Francine Lacqua, Editor-at-Large, Bloomberg Television

12:15 – 12:30 Closing remarks: Kirill Kartyshev, Head of Sales for Belgium and Luxembourg, Bloomberg L.P.


Peter T. Grauer



Peter T. Grauer is chairman of Bloomberg, the global financial technology company that was founded in 1981.

He has been a member of the Bloomberg Board of Directors since October 1996 and was named chairman of the board in March 2001, succeeding Michael R. Bloomberg. Mr. Grauer joined Bloomberg full time as chairman, president and CEO in March 2002.

Prior to joining Bloomberg, Mr. Grauer was a managing director of Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette from 1992 to 2000 when DLJ was acquired by Credit Suisse First Boston. He is a founder of DLJ Merchant Banking Partners and DLJ Investment Partners and also served as a managing director and senior partner of CSFB Private Equity. Mr. Grauer graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and the Harvard University Graduate School of Business, Program for Management Development.

He is a member of the McKinsey Advisory Council. He serves on the World Economic Forum’s Media, Entertainment and Information, Financial Services and Gender Parity Board of Governors. He is founding Chairman of the Community of Chairmen at the World Economic Forum. Mr. Grauer is also a member of the British American Business International Advisory Board.

Grauer is the President of the Board of Trustees of the Inner City Scholarship Fund in New York City and a member of the Partnership for Inner City Education Board of Directors. He serves as a member of the Board of Trustees of the Wildlife Conservation Society and the The WNET Group.

He is founding Chairman of the U.S. 30% Club. Mr. Grauer is a member of the Board of the Prostate Cancer Foundation and is Chairman of the College Advising Corps. He is a trustee of The Economic Club of New York and Rockefeller University.

Mr. Grauer served as lead director of DaVita, Inc. (NYSE: DVA), a healthcare services company based in Colorado. Mr. Grauer was the Senior Independent Director and Chairman of the Nominations and Audit Committees of Glencore. He is former Independent Director and member of the Audit Committee of Blackstone (NYSE:BX). He is former member of the Business Council, International Business Council of the World Economic Forum, the Asia Business Council and Out Leadership's Global Advisory Board. Grauer is Emeritus board member of Room to Read and the Board of the USA Cycling Development Foundation. He is a former member of the Board of Trustees of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and several UNC entities. He is the Chairman Emeritus of the Board of Directors of The Big Apple Circus, former member of Jazz at Lincoln Center and a former President of the Pomfret School Board of Trustees.

He is a recipient of the Peterson Business Award, the William Richardson Davie Award, the Dean's Award for Distinguished Service to the College of Arts and Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and the Papal Order of Merit. Grauer was also inducted into the North Carolina Media and Journalism Hall of Fame.

Adeem Altaf

EMEA Head of Sales

Bloomberg L.P.

Adeem has been working for Bloomberg for the past 20 years in various position's. He recently became the Head of EMEA Core Sales department, after spending the past three years leading the region’s European buy side-sales group .

Prior to this, Adeem ran both our EMEA Product Specialists team, as well as our London Major sell-sides group, building a significant expertise across both the buy and sell-sides, in addition to areas of market specialisation.

Adeem graduated from the London School of Economics in 2000 with a MSc in Econometrics and Mathematical Economics.

Dr. Hakan Lucius

Head of Corporate Responsibility

EIB, The European Union’s Bank

Dr. Hakan Lucius is Head of Corporate Responsibility at the EIB, the European Union’s bank. Dr Lucius possesses more than 20 years of experience in sustainable finance and is an internationally acclaimed speaker is his field, and was quoted, amongst others, by the Financial Times and Reuters. Academically, he holds a Ph.D., a M.Sc., and an MBA from INSEAD.

Dr Lucius is Professor of Finance in parallel to his career at the EIB, specializes in sustainable corporate finance and has lectured in Europe and the US. Prof. Dr. Lucius is also on the Board of the Luxembourg Fund labelling agency, Luxflag; member of the European Commission’s Ecolabel expert group for sustainable finance; member of the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) on non-financial reporting to the EC; former President of the European Investment Bank’s Pension Board; and a member of the EIB Institute’s Knowledge Committee.

Lara Pavanello

Borrowing and Lending Officer

European Commission

Lara Pavanello is Funding Officer at the European Commission in Luxembourg, executing transactions under SURE and other financial assistance programmes and engaging with a diverse investor community. In the same Directorate of the European Commission, Lara held responsibilities in the asset management business where she managed credit and market risk across different asset classes and established a close dialogue with issuers in the FIG and SSA sectors.

She started her career at the investment banking arm of UniCredit as rating advisor, assisting local governments and financial institutions during the rating process. Subsequently, she moved to Fitch Rating as analyst in the public sector team, focussing on the Italian market.

Lara holds an MA (Hons) in economics of institutions and financial markets from Bocconi University in Milan and an MBA from SDA Bocconi School of Management.

Ronald Van Steenweghen

Fixed Income Fund Manager

Degroof Petercam Asset Management

Ronald Van Steenweghen has almost 15 years of experience as fixed income fund manager at DPAM, a Belgium based independent active asset manager that has pioneered in sustainable investing since 2001. He currently is portfolio manager of the climate fixed income strategy that invests in green bonds and unlabelled climate committed issuers. Ronald graduated from the university of Ghent with a master’s degree in Banking and Finance. He is also a CAIA charterholder and hold a postgraduate in taxation from the KU Leuven.

Dr. Ulf Erlandsson

Chief Executive Officer

Anthropocene Fixed Income Institute

Dr Ulf Erlandsson is the CEO of Anthropocene Fixed Income Institute, an non-profit research institute and advocacy focusing on fixed income markets and the climate transition. Prior to founding AFII, he headed the global credit and SSA portfolios of AP4, including green bonds and total return mandates. He started his career as a quant strategist at Barclays Capital. Having earned his Ph.D. in econometrics from Lund University, he is the author of several books on credit trading as well as seminal papers on climate focused credit such as “Credit alpha and CO2 reduction: A portfolio manager approach” and “Green bonds risk premiums: A twin-bond approach.

Dr. Wim Van Hyfte

Global Head of Responsible ESG Investments and Research


Wim Van Hyfte, PhD, has been Global Head of ESG Investments and Research at Candriam since 2016. He is responsible for research on environmental, social and governance issues, the implications for and the integration into portfolio and risk management across assets.

Before, he was senior fund manager-quantitative analyst at Candriam conducting empirical research on asset pricing, the quantitative modeling of alpha/risk factors and portfolio optimization. He co-managed over $3 billion in global ESG quant equity funds and segregated accounts for nearly 10 years. He joined Candriam in 2006 after having worked in the academic world for over 8 years.

Since 2012, he is also Visiting Professor at ULB Solvay School of Economics and Management teaching on Asset Pricing in Practice in an advance master in quantitative finance. From 2006 until 2012, he was Visiting Professor at Vlerick Business School teaching on portfolio management in an MBA program. From 2000 until 2001, he was strategic consultant for a Belgian pension fund and a venture capital fund.

He holds a PhD in Financial Economics, an MBA in Finance and a Master’s degree in Applied Economics. His academic research covers both empirical and corporate finance with a focus on asset pricing, risk modeling and portfolio management. His work has been presented at international academic conferences and published in peer-reviewed international academic journals.

Karim Hajjar

Chief Financial Officer and Member of the Executive Committee

Solvay S.A.

Karim is CFO and Member of the Executive Committee of Solvay S.A.. In addition, he chairs the Redefining Value Board of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development. Prior to that, he held a number of roles in Grant Thornton Chartered Accountants in London, Royal Dutch Shell plc, Tarmac Group (a division of Anglo American plc) and Imperial Tobacco Group Plc. Karim is a dual British-Lebanese national, a graduate of the City University in London and a fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales. He is married and has five children.

Xavier Hannaerts

Head of Investments & Conducting Officer

Spuerkeess Asset Management

Xavier Hannaerts is Head of Investments & Conducting Officer at Spuerkeess Asset Management. Over his 20-year career, Xavier was involved in financial markets in general, among private banking institutions in particular, and held senior positions in investment solutions research & asset management. Global Asset Allocation & Research, Fund Management & Institutional Portfolio Management fall within his area of responsibility. Prior to joining Spuerkeess Asset Management, Xavier was Group Head of Fund selection and Multimanagement & Senior Fund Manager at Quintet Private Bank (formerly known as KBL European Private Bankers). Xavier holds a degree of Commercial Engineering from the Louvain School of Management in Belgium.

Fredrik Skoglund

Chief Investment Officer

Banque Internationale à Luxembourg, S.A.

Fredrik Skoglund is since 2018 the Group Chief Investment Officer (CIO) of Banque Internationale à Luxembourg, S.A. (BIL). As the Group CIO he has at the overall responsibility for all the investment related activities within BIL, both in Luxembourg as well as the international entities, he is the chairman of BIL´s Asset Allocation Committee outlining the overall all investment strategy of the bank as well as the chairman of several other internal investment committees. Before taking on the responsibilities as Group CIO he has held several senior investment positions at BIL.

Wim Vermeir

Chief Investment Officer

AG insurance

Wim Vermeir is Chief Investment Officer of AG insurance since April 2011. Since June 2012, he is also Group Head of Investments for Ageas. In November 2017, Wim became member of the Financial Committee of the King Baudouin Foundation of which he is president since April 2020. Before joining AG(eas), Wim held between 1995 and 2006 different positions at Dexia Asset Management, and was, amongst others, equity manager, head of socially responsible investing, head of global balanced management and head of equity. In 1996, Wim launched two SRI funds that were the origin of the SRI activity of Dexia AM (now Candriam), Wim was also member of the executive committee and the board of Ausbil, Dexia AM‘s Australian equity boutique. In 2006, he was appointed Chief Investment Officer for Traditional Investments and member of the executive committee at Dexia Asset Management. Wim started his career at the University of Ghent and Vlerick School of Management as research assistant in corporate finance. He holds a civil engineer degree in physics (University of Ghent) and an MBA (Vlerick School of Management). Wim published also about venture capital and about SRI.

Pierre Gramegna

Minister of Finance


Pierre Gramegna has been Luxembourg’s Minister of Finance since December 2013.

As Minister of Finance, Mr Gramegna has initiated major reforms to balance the budget and to align Luxembourg’s tax rules with international transparency standards. Thanks to these efforts, the country’s AAA rating has been consistently confirmed by all major rating agencies.

Mr Gramegna is also a promoter of the diversification of Luxembourg’s financial centre, particularly with regard to fintech and sustainable finance. He is the founder and Presi¬dent of the LHoFT Foundation, which runs the Luxembourg House of Financial Technology.

As chair of the Economic and Financial Affairs Council of the European Union during the Luxembourg Presidency, Mr Gramegna actively contributed to reach¬ing agreements on the introduction of the auto¬matic exchange of information on tax rulings with EU member states, as well as on securitisation.

He started his diplomatic career in 1983 when he joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In 1988, he was appointed Political and Economic Affairs Advisor to the Luxembourg Embassy in Paris and became Consul General and Director of the Board of Economic Development in San Francisco, USA, in 1992.

From 1996 to 2002, Mr Gramegna was Luxembourg’s ambassador to Japan and South Korea. He was subsequently responsible for the Directorate of International Economic Relations at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

From 2003 to 2013, he was Director General of the Chamber of Commerce.

Before joining the government, Mr Gramegna was a member of the executive board of several companies, including Cargolux Airlines International (as chairman from 2004 to 2008), the Luxembourg Stock Exchange, LuxExpo Luxembourg and BGL BNP Paribas Luxembourg. He has also been a member of numerous advisory committees, including the Advisory Committee on Foreign Trade, the Economic Development Committee and the National Committee for the Promotion of Entrepreneurship.

Greg Ritchie


Bloomberg News

Greg Ritchie is a journalist at Bloomberg News. He writes about sovereign debt, foreign-exchange and green finance from London. Before joining Bloomberg, he wrote for various publications in Scotland and England. He graduated with a degree in History and Politics from the University of Oxford.

Adeline Diab

Director of ESG Research

Bloomberg Intelligence

Adeline Diab is head of ESG and thematic investing for EMEA and APAC at Bloomberg Intelligence and has over 18 years of experience managing, overseeing and analysing investment strategies across asset classes with a focus on sustainability and disruptive trends. Before joining Bloomberg, she was portfolio manager of Environment and Thematic Funds at GLG Partners before leading ESG integration at firms including HSBC Asset Management, Aviva Investors and APG Asset Management. She started her career at the World Bank.

Dani Burger


Bloomberg TV

Dani Burger is a London-based correspondent for Bloomberg TV and radio. She appears daily on 'Bloomberg Daybreak Europe,' 'European Market Open' and 'Surveillance.' She also hosts the weekly segment 'Money Undercover' on private capital, interviewing executives from KKR, Warburg Pincus, EQT and other industry leaders.

Based in London, Burger covers market moving news, interviewing thought leaders and executives in both public and private markets. She's broken exclusive stories on central bank policy, multi-billion dollar funds and companies. She was also recognized by the Society for Advancing Business Editing and Writing for the 2018 Larry Birger Young Business Journalist Award.

Burger joined Bloomberg News in New York in 2014, writing stories on cross-asset trends, quantitative hedge funds, and passive strategies. She graduated from the University of Virginia with distinction.

Francine Lacqua


Bloomberg TV

Francine Lacqua is an award-winning London-based anchor for Bloomberg Television. She co-anchors the weekday 3-hour daily program “Bloomberg Surveillance” with Tom Keene, where she provides insight on foreign policy, global markets and the top business stories of the day. She also presents “Leaders with Lacqua,” a special series where she sits down with top CEOs, entrepreneurs and public figures. Since joining Bloomberg in 2000, Lacqua has covered the World Economic Forum in Davos, IMF in Washington, G20 meetings, the EU Leaders Summit and OPEC. She also led Bloomberg Television’s coverage of the Italian and French elections where she was one of the first international reporters to interview cabinet members. While at Bloomberg, Lacqua has interviewed high-profile figures such as French President Emmanuel Macron, former UK Prime Minister David Cameron, IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde, World Bank President Jim Yong Kim, Bank of England Governor Mark Carney, Billionaire financier George Soros and ECB President Mario Draghi. She has also interviewed finance ministers from South Korea, Russia, France, Mexico, Italy and Greece, as well as moderating televised debates from the World Economic Forum in Davos and the European Economic Governance package.

Kirill Kartyshev

Head of Belgium and Luxembourg

Bloomberg L.P.

Kirill Kartyshev is Head of Belgium and Luxembourg at Bloomberg LP, a global provider of financial data and analytics. Before taking this responsibility Kirill was a senior Relationship manager working with Government agencies and Private Banks in Belgium and Luxembourg.

Previously Kirill was heading the Transfer Pricing product and was in charge of developing the international tax offering at Bloomberg and has presented at a number of conferences as a guest speaker as well as taught an Advanced Transfer Pricing Course at the Vienna University of Economics (WU). Kirill holds a BEng (Hons) from the University of Manchester.

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