Investing for Net Zero: How Central Bank Monetary Policy Portfolios Can Help Support Orderly Transition | Bloomberg Professional Services

Investing for Net Zero: How Central Bank Monetary Policy Portfolios Can Help Support Orderly Transition

Green investment is a hot topic for many asset managers. But with central banks’ own asset holdings at an all-time high, do they also have a role to play in supporting transition to net zero? And how can climate-conscious investment be reconciled with monetary policy goals?

Andrew Hauser, Executive Director for Markets at the Bank of England, is launching a new discussion paper that examines these issues and seeks feedback on a framework to guide the Bank’s own approach to its Corporate Bond Purchase Scheme.

Moderated by Lucy Meakin, Bloomberg News, Mr. Hauser will deliver remarks followed by a Q&A. We encourage participants to submit questions to Mr. Hauser upon registration.


Andrew Hauser

Executive Director for Markets

Bank of England

Andrew Hauser is Executive Director for Markets. He is responsible for managing the Bank of England's balance sheet, including all aspects of the design and execution of the Bank's operations in financial markets, managing the UK’s official foreign exchange reserves on behalf of HM Treasury and providing market intelligence and analysis for Bank policy committees.

Andrew joined the Bank in 1992, and has held senior roles across most of our major functions. As Executive Director for Banking, Payments and Financial Resilience, he oversaw the Bank's financial risk framework; the operation and strategic development of payment systems and wholesale and retail banking operations and he was an executive sponsor for the Bank's work on FinTech.

Andrew ran the Fair and Effective Markets Review, a joint initiative by the Bank of England, the Treasury and the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). He was Private Secretary to the Governor, and represented the United Kingdom as a member of the Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund in Washington DC. He has overseen the Bank of England's Inflation Report and regional agency network, and served on the secretariats to the Monetary and Financial Policy Committees.

Between 2013 and 2017, Andrew was a Non‐Executive Director and Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee for NHS Resolution.

Andrew has a first degree in politics, philosophy and economics from Oxford University and a master’s degree in economics from the London School of Economics.

Lucy Meakin


Bloomberg News

Lucy Meakin is a reporter and editor covering the U.K. economy and Bank of England for Bloomberg News in London. Joining the newsroom as an intern in 2006, she spent several years as a video producer before moving to write about G-10 currencies and government bonds. She joined the economy team shortly before the Brexit referendum and has been chasing BOE officials around the country ever since. She regularly contributes to TV and radio and is executive producer of the Stephanomics podcast.

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