Agency MBS: Market Surveillance & Security Selection | Bloomberg Professional Services

Agency MBS: Market Surveillance & Security Selection

The COVID economy and a new administration in Washington has brought changes to the Agency mortgages landscape. It is more important than ever to thoroughly monitor and evaluate the specified stories and security types of interest to you and your clients.

In this session, we will be outlining a streamlined workflow using a combination of tools for market surveillance and security selection, progressing across the following functions:
Mortgages Screening - custom universe filtering (MTGS)
Inventory Management - matching the universe with available bids and offers (IMGR)
Single Security Analysis - yield table, collateral composition, and BAM model projections with one click (Launchpad)
Dial the BAM Model - Home Price Appreciation (SYT)

Join us at 1:00 pm ET on July 13 to learn how to integrate several Bloomberg tools into one seamless MBS analysis workflow.


Robert Pratt

Mortgage Market Specialist


Rob Pratt has been a Mortgages market specialist at Bloomberg since May 2000, covering all sectors within securitized products. From 1987-2000, he worked in treasury sales and trading at Schroders.

Paul Sorbo

Mortgage Market Specialist


Paul Sorbo has been a Mortgages market specialist at Bloomberg since January 2021. Previously, he held roles in Bloomberg core sales and analytics, where he also focused on securitized products.

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