Uncover insights from your Bloomberg IB chat data | Bloomberg Professional Services

Uncover Insights From Your Bloomberg IB Chat Data

One of the key challenges the sell side faces as it undergoes its digital transformation is how the insights held within unstructured data can be revealed. Data from your IB chats on the Bloomberg Terminal are one such source of unstructured data – and in this webinar we will show you how to gain valuable insights from your own chats.

Discussion topics:
  • Use your chat history to target clients with more relevant information
  • Learn how to automate the price discovery process over voice
  • Tips to improve how efficiently you can service clients on IB 
  • Reduce manual processes for sales and trading
  • Use your chat data to feed downstream systems and build up interest lists


Eoin Gilley

Digital Strategy & Automation

Bloomberg L.P.

Eoin is the Automation Lead at Bloomberg across EMEA where he covers both buyside and sellside workflows and focuses on Collaboration Tools, AI initiatives, Data Feeds, Interoperable Apps, Natural Language Processing and Analytical Platforms.

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