BFIX: Comprehensive FX benchmark solutions | Bloomberg Professional Services

BFIX: Comprehensive FX Benchmark Solutions

Discovering FX rates that are representative and accurate measures of the markets can be challenging—in particular for the less widely traded currencies. This absence of a reliable and transparent source of reference creates significant hurdles for market players seeking to price structured products, publish indexes and perform settlement. Tune in for a webinar with our FX Global Data team to learn how Bloomberg’s IOSCO-compliant BFIX can help you navigate the best prices and the times of day offering optimal liquidity. Discussion topics will include:
  • Asian currencies Q3 outlook
  • Sources of FX data (Bloomberg aggregates)
  • BFIX as your solution



Global Data Consultant


Andy joined Bloomberg in 2015 as a Relationship Manager covering clients throughout ASEAN and has transitioned to the Global Data Consultant since Jan 2020. Andy has spent 16 years in the Financial Data sector and earned his Bachelor's Degree in Finance from Seton Hall University in New Jersey in 2005.





Zhen Hao Toh

Senior Forex Data Specialist - Global Data


Zhen Hao joined Bloomberg in 2016 as a Global Data analyst covering Equity Capital Markets data and has since moved to cover the Forex markets. Prior to his move, he did a secondment with Bloomberg News covering Asia stock market. Zhen Hao graduated from National University of Singapore with a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration with a major in Finance.

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