What does the 2021 New Energy Outlook Mean for the U.S. today? | Bloomberg Professional Services

What Does the 2021 New Energy Outlook Mean for the U.S. Today?

BloombergNEF’s 2021 New Energy Outlook presents a multi-sectoral view of what a global transition to a zero-carbon economy could look like, with scenarios reflecting different assumptions about the role that hydrogen, carbon capture and nuclear could play.

But what do these visions of the future mean for the U.S. today? How might legislation currently being debated in Congress influence the U.S.’ pathway to 2050? And how can American companies position themselves now to be global leaders in a zero-carbon future?

Join BloombergNEF’s Head of Analysis, North America, on Thursday, September 23 at 9am PST / 12pm EST to find out.

Discussion Topics:
• Energy
• Research
• Sustainability


Tom Rowlands-Rees

Head of US Research


Since March 2020 Tom Rowlands-Rees has led Bloomberg New Energy Finance’s analysis for North America. The analysts in his group provide cutting edge market research on trends in power markets, renewables, gas, oil and energy policy in the region. Before taking on his current role, Tom was Head of Analysis for Europe, the Middle East and Africa. Prior to joining BloombergNEF in 2009 Tom completed his PhD in Physics at Oxford University.

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