Advance your TOMS automation with our Positions & Transactions REST API | Bloomberg Professional Services

Advance Your TOMS Automation with Our Positions & Transactions REST API

In this session we are excited to show you how to elevate your TOMS automation to the next level using the Positions & Transactions API. We will explain how you can take advantage of this RESTful API to programmatically access your TOMS data in order to perform ad-hoc queries or synchronize data between Bloomberg and your other systems, and take full control of your data flows. In this webinar, you will learn:
• TOMS datasets accessible
• Communication models supported, such as on-demand data querying
• Example use cases
• How to get started with the API


Kaush Popat

Pre-Sales Engineer, Bloomberg Enterprise Technology


Kaush Popat is a Pre-Sales Engineer for Enterprise Technology at Bloomberg with over 10 years of experience working in the systems integration and automation space within Capital Markets. Prior to Bloomberg, Kaush worked at Thomson Reuters as Head of Integration and Post-Trade Operations, managing the integration function for the FXall e-trading portal and TRTN messaging platform.

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