Economic Nowcasting with BQuant Enterprise | Bloomberg Professional Services

Economic Nowcasting with Bquant Enterprise

Is it possible to know if the economy is in recession before official numbers are released? This is a question that researchers at the European Central Bank sought to answer in a paper published in November 2020. The researchers used movements in stock prices and machine learning models to predict the current state of the economy. Data analysis on this scale requires computational resources well beyond what your local machine can handle. Luckily, BQuant Enterprise empowers users with cloud computing tools & BQL data to tackle the toughest challenges of today's financial markets. Join us as we use the distributed compute capabilities of BQuant Enterprise to replicate this research.  Discussion Topics
  • Connecting to the Bloomberg Data Science Platform in BQuant Enterprise
  • Using Spark for data analysis in the BQuant Notebook
  • Building classification machine learning models with BQL data


Jerome Nilmeier

Data Scientist and Developer Advocate

Bloomberg L.P.

Jerome Nilmeier, PhD is a Data Scientist and Developer Advocate at Bloomberg, working with the BQuant platform. His interests and expertise are in open source frameworks for big data, machine learning, and deep learning. He has authored two O'Reilly books on these subjects, and has created online courses, webinars, and workshops for O'Reilly, Coursera, WebEx, and other corporate education platforms and conference forums.

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