Hot Trends driving Structured Products | Bloomberg Professional Services

Hot Trends Driving Structured Products

Structured products have become an extremely useful tool for investors during the lockdown. In this session, we will share how the Structured Product market has evolved in the different parts of the region, hot trends that drive innovation to adapt to the new circumstances and client demands. We will also cover Life-cycle overview and a quick look at DLIB & DTK, so you’ll learn more around the main functionalities around structured products available to users of Bloomberg's DLIB platform. 
  • Structured Products Trends in APAC
  • Pre-Trade: Pricing & Structuring
  • Pre-Trade: Greeks & Execution


Soujit Ghosh



Soujit Ghosh是彭博亚太区衍生品市场专家,主要负责金融产品解决方案相关业务,常驻香港。在加入彭博以前,Soujit在卖方市场股票衍生品领域拥有20年的交易经验。他的职业生涯始于高盛伦敦办公室,之后任职于不同的金融机构,包括离岸中资券商和韩国本土证券公司。在过去15年中,他曾在伦敦、香港和首尔工作,积累了主要金融市场普通衍生品和奇异衍生品交易的丰富经验。Soujit拥有剑桥大学工程学学士学位,哈佛大学统计学硕士学位。

Nikin Raval

Asia Equities Workflow Specialist

Bloomberg L.P.

Nikin is an Equity Market Specialist for S.E. Asia specializing in Equity Derivatives. He joined Bloomberg In August 2019. Nikin works with the Sales and Product Teams at Bloomberg to help clients fully exploit the Bloomberg Offering in the Equity and Derivatives space. He also works with the Sales teams to provide solutions needed to address the complex needs of clients.

Nikin trains clients in the Bloomberg Product Suite as well as guiding them towards the most suitable product or function for them. Nikin has a decade of Equity Derivatives Trading Experience at Barclays in London and Maybank in Kuala Lumpur. He has a Bachelors's and Masters in Economics from Cambridge University, UK.

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