TCA: Bolder ways to inform trading decisions | Insights | Bloomberg Professional Services

TCA: Bolder ways to inform trading decisions


Pre-trade transaction cost analysis (TCA) is still new to the fixed-income space but growing in popularity. Bloomberg has responded to demand for complementary high-level analytics by building a suite of best-execution tools that enable traders to estimate the performance of their orders before executing a trade.

Inside this report, we uncover the benefits of pre-trade TCA, how TCA <GO> can be used by traders and how these tools can be customized.


Pre-trade transaction cost analysis (TCA) is still new to the fixed-income space but growing in popularity. Bloomberg has responded to demand for complementary high-level analytics by building a suite of best-execution tools that enable traders to estimate the performance of their orders before executing a trade.

Inside this report, we uncover the benefits of pre-trade TCA, how TCA <GO> can be used by traders and how these tools can be customized.

TCA: Bolder ways to inform trading decisions

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