India outlook for 2022 & RBI policy preview | Bloomberg Professional Services

India Outlook for 2022 & RBI Policy Preview

A pullback of pandemic-period fiscal and monetary stimulus is likely in 2022—but exactly how long will the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) retain its accommodative stance before switching policy focus to containing inflationary pressures? And what does Fed tapering imply for domestic capital markets?

Join our Senior Economist Abhishek Gupta for a discussion on India's growth, inflation, rates and rupee outlook for 2022.

  • Growth and inflation outlook
  • RBI policy preview
  • Impact of Fed tapering
  • Q&A


Abhishek Gupta

Senior Economist


Abhishek Gupta is India Economist at Bloomberg. He previously worked as an economist at DSP Merrill Lynch and as a research analyst at the National Institute of Public Finance and Policy. Abhishek's work has been published in the International Journal of Central Banking. He has a PhD in Economics from Johns Hopkins University and an M.A. in economics from the Delhi School of Economics.

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