Behavioural Finance: In the Age of Crypto, Is the Efficient Markets Hypothesis Still Fit for Purpose? | Bloomberg Professional Services

Behavioural Finance: in the Age of Crypto, is the Efficient Markets Hypothesis Still Fit for Purpose?

The Efficient Market Hypothesis has long been the fundamental tool in understanding how assets are evaluated and priced. But in the era of cryptocurrencies, meme stocks, and passionate "to the Moon!" investors, traditional fundamental approaches have failed to explain soaring market prices. How do Regulators and Investors perform fundamental analyses for asset classes - like Crypto - where there simply aren't fundamentals to analyse? In a world where prices are built on pure sentiment, it has become increasingly clear that professionals need quantitative tools to help them gauge the sentiment around an asset.

Join Bloomberg's technical analyst Tim McCullough where he will build on the work of psychologists by applying statistical and software techniques to explore what drives the collective behaviour of market participants.

In this presentation, we will explore:
- Traditional approaches to finding fair-prices of assets
- Discuss the primacy of the Efficient Markets Hypothesis in valuation approaches, and its increasing limitations
- Use Bloomberg data visualisation tools to understand price direction and momentum in a "fundamental-free" environment
- Examine whether these techniques can be applied to traditional assets such as stocks, bonds, FX and commodities
- Share a takeaway assignment in which you can practice what you've learned


Tim Mccullough

Technical Analysis Application Specialist


Tim is the application specialist in Technical Analysis at Bloomberg LP in London, where he manages the rapidly increasing demand for charting and data visualization tools in EMEA. 

He has over 30 years’ experience in financial markets, in trading, sales and research at major international banks, including State Street, UBS, BNP Paribas and Lloyds. He uses diverse but complementary technical methodologies, based on behavioral finance, to help Bloomberg clients to analyze sentiment in all asset classes and all conditions of volatility and liquidity.

In 2018 he additionally took an MSc in Financial Investigation, including a dissertation examining the dependency of financial markets on illicit flows from money laundering. He previously took a BA in Classics and is a full member of the Society of Technical Analysts in London and of IFTA.

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