MPC Explained: The Bold New Vision for Securing Crypto Money | Bloomberg Professional Services
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MPC Explained: the Bold New Vision for Securing Crypto Money

Multiparty computation is a way to mitigate risk or improve privacy by splitting the responsibility for a transaction signature between multiple parties. In the crypto space, this is gaining popularity as a solution for storing parts of one key (known as keyshares) in multiple places, reducing the risk of a single point of failure. In this session we are joined by John Peurifoy, Co-Founder of Floating Point Group to discuss the opportunities that MPC can bring to institutional investors and the credibility it can bring to the crypto sector at large.


Michael Briody

FX & Crypto Market Specialist


For over 10 years Michael has been a Foreign Exchange Market Specialist working with international investment banks and multinational corporations, assisting clients to understand FX market trends. Recently Michael has taken on a specialty in cryptocurrencies to help clients navigate this new frontier. Prior to joining Bloomberg, Michael worked as a Senior Foreign Exchange Dealer with 20 years of FX trading experience in New York at U.S and International investment banks, including Morgan Stanley, Lehman Brothers and BNP Paribas. Michael holds a BBA in Finance from Hofstra University and currently resides in Lattingtown, N.Y.

John Peurifoy


Floating Point

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