Commodities on Air: Transition Metals Outlook 2023 | Bloomberg Professional Services

Commodities on Air: Transition Metals Outlook 2023

Demand for key metals needed for the deployment of energy transition technologies such as solar, wind, batteries and electric vehicles will grow fivefold by 2050. Supply, on the other hand, is constrained due to a lack of investment, increasing country risk toward mining, and ever more depleted reserves.

Join us in kicking off the first Commodities on Air of 2023, where our BloombergNEF analysts will provide an overview of the recently released 2023 Transition Metal Outlook, and comment on how the global economic slowdown, resurgence of resource nationalism and higher resource taxes have led to a race to secure supplies of critical metals. Discussion points:
  • Price outlook for key metals in 2023
  • New waves of resource nationalism in critical minerals
  • Efficient use of metals in clean energy technologies


Allan Ray Restauro

Analyst, Metals & Mining


Allan Ray Restauro is an analyst for BloombergNEF covering the metals and mining industry. He is based in Singapore and focuses on supply and demand analysis for battery metals such as nickel, and other industrial metals such as aluminum and platinum group metals.

Lucita Ng

Commodities and Carbon Market Specialist


Lucita is an account manager focusing on the commodities business in Hong Kong, providing solutions to corporations and trading houses. She is a certified Energy Risk Professional, and is working towards a Master of Social Science in Sustainability Leadership and Governance.

Yuchen Huo

Metals and Mining Analyst


Yuchen Huo is a Metals & Mining analyst at BloombergNEF in Singapore. Her research focuses on the critical developments, prices trends and market dynamics in the industrial metals markets. She also takes a deep dive into how industrial decarbonization affects the iron and steel value chain.

Prior to joining BNEF, Yuchen spent two years as an associate editor in S&P Global Commodity Insights (formerly known as Platts) working on its benchmark iron ore price index. She holds a Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) Degree in Quantitative Economics from the National University of Singapore.

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