ESG Topics in Focus: Biodiversity and Water | Bloomberg Professional Services

ESG Topics in Focus: Biodiversity and Water

2:00 PM BST | 3:00 PM CEST | 09:00 AM EDT

Beyond climate, and of course strongly related to it, is the topic of biodiversity and natural capital, brought to the attention of the public at the COP15 in Montreal at the end of 2022.

Join this webinar to learn how you can start to build out your analysis in this important area by leveraging the Bloomberg Terminal, and discover the plans ahead for Bloomberg to further expand on the existing metrics throughout 2023.

Discussion points:
- As Reported metrics
- Impact and Dependencies
- Asset level exposure analysis
- Materiality analysis
- Plans for 2023


Irene Bermont-Penn

Head of European ESG Market Specialists


Irene leads the EMEA ESG Market Specialists team and has extensive knowledge across the various pillars of ESG and Sustainable Finance. She has subject matter expertise in ESG and sustainable debt data, ESG Regulations, Climate and new areas of focus for the market such as Biodiversity. Prior to joining Bloomberg, Irene was an Equity Research Analyst at UBS Investment Bank.

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