Bloomberg for Credit: The Art of Diversification: Strategic Asset Allocation and Optimal Benchmarking | Bloomberg Professional Services

Bloomberg for Credit: the Art of Diversification: Strategic Asset Allocation and Optimal Benchmarking

The basis for successful long-term investing is identifying the optimal asset allocation mix that will reflect a desired risk and return profile. Strategic portfolio allocation explains the bulk of the variability in returns and having the right long-term balance of asset classes will allow for efficient tactical decision-making during times of market stress. Explore the possibilities Bloomberg offers to screen and analyze asset classes with indices to generate optimal strategic benchmarks. Learn about solutions for stress testing and effective scenario analysis for adjusting tactical asset allocation.
Discussion topics:
  • Efficient Screening and Analysis of Cross Asset Risk Return Profiles
  • Building Robust Strategic Asset Allocation with Indices
  • Stress Testing Tactical Allocations along Factor Risk Exposure and Scenario Analysis
  • Evaluating Portfolio and Manager Performance


Christian Weber

Fixed Income Market Specialist


Christian ist EMEA Market Specialist für Fixed Income bei Bloomberg und verfügt über 18 Jahre Erfahrung in Buy-Side- und Sell-Side-Rollen an den Finanzmärkten. Er war als Head of Fixed Income im Bereich Wealth Management, Deputy Head of Credit Strategy Research und Head of Credit Portfolio Management bei Banken und Fondsgesellschaften tätig. Christian ist seit 2005 CFA Charterholder, hat Betriebswirtschaftslehre studiert und Abschlüsse als Diplom-Kaufmann, Master of Business Research und ist promovierter Finanzwissenschaftler

Graziano Prada

Credit Market Specialist


Graziano has a background of 15 years in Money Markets and Credit Trading & Sales at Citigroup and Credit Suisse. Graziano specialises in front-end of the curve across various products: IG Financial and Corporate bonds, CPs, CDs and Bank Deposits as well as FX Spot and FX Swaps across G7 currencies.

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