Bloomberg for Credit: Bloomberg Query Language (BQL) for Credit | Bloomberg Professional Services

Bloomberg for Credit: Bloomberg Query Language (BQL) for Credit

15:00 GMT | 16:00 CET | 10:00 EST

Credit market participants are leveraging increasing amounts of data for quantitative analysis.  However, this shift comes with its own set of challenges, such as the complexities of handling and processing vast amounts of data.

Bloomberg Query Language (BQL) is an API based on normalised, curated data, allowing you to perform custom calculations. Data-intensive analysis that once required downloading thousands of data points followed by extensive manipulation in Excel can now be done in a single one formula, helping you use less data! Learn how to leverage Bloomberg Query Language to streamline your Credit workflows.

This course will introduce BQL, its benefits and syntax, before moving onto specific Credit examples.  You will walk away with all the knowledge necessary to start leveraging the Bloomberg Cloud.

Discussion topics:

●      Fundamental BQL features - screening and aggregation
●      Credit workflows examples for:
●      Relative Value Analysis
●      Custom Curve Building
●      Net Issuance Analysis


Peter Reel

Credit Specialist


Peter Reel is a credit specialist at Bloomberg. His focus is on assisting Bloomberg clients to optimise their credit-related workflows while working closely with Bloomberg product developers to help enhance Bloomberg solutions and to tailor them to the current market needs. He joined the company recently from Rabobank where he was a credit trader for more than 10 years. Previously he worked at UBS. Peter holds a BA degree in Economics from the University of Cambridge.

Lewang Lei

BQL Specialist


Lewang is our BQL specialist from London Desktop Buildup Group, focusing on Bloomberg API products BQL and BQNT. She has years of experience in Fixed income/Foreign Exchange/Technical analysis, and currently working as the contact for BQL FI Products.

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