The Obesity Market and Implications of US Reimbursement Policy | Bloomberg Professional Services

The Obesity Market and Implications of US Reimbursement Policy

Date Aired: Wednesday, September 27, 2023
Duration: 60 minutes Novo Nordisk and Eli Lilly have led advancements in obesity, the latest centering on positive outcomes data for Novo's Wegovy. Join Bloomberg Intelligence analysts Michael Shah and Duane Wright as they discuss the potential size of the obesity market in-light of recent developments in the space as well as key takeaways from our Bloomberg Intelligence Obesity Survey. We'll also discuss broadening access and Medicare inclusion looking at prescriber hurdles and other factors that could influence the market size.


Michael Shah

Senior Research Analyst

Bloomberg Intelligence

Michael Shah is a senior equity analyst on the healthcare team at Bloomberg Intelligence covering the biopharmaceutical sector. Prior to joining Bloomberg Intelligence, Michael joined the Bloomberg equity fundamentals team after graduating from the London School of Economics with a BSc in Accounting and Finance. He has been focused on the healthcare sector for more than ten years, initially assisting with on U.S and European Large Pharmaceuticals coverage before transitioning to European Biotech. Focus areas include cardio-metabolic, inflammatory and dermatological disease.

Duane Wright

Senior Research Analyst

Bloomberg Intelligence

Duane Wright is a Senior Analyst for the health team at Bloomberg Intelligence. Prior to joining Bloomberg he was a Vice President in the Government Affairs department for the Advanced Medical Technology Association (AdvaMed) where he was team lead on diagnostics, coverage and reimbursement issues, and led industry efforts to repeal the medical device tax in 2019. Prior to AdvaMed he was a Vice President at Finsbury Glover Hering, a multi-client consultant firm, and America’s Health Insurance Plans. Prior to his private sector work he was lead health staff for Senator Tom Carper (D-DE), and a Legislative Assistant to former Congressman Jim Davis (D-FL). Wright holds a law degree from The George Washington University, and a bachelor’s degree from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Khrysta Baig

Department of Health Policy, Vanderbilt University

Ph.D. Candidate

Khrysta Baig is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Health Policy at Vanderbilt University. Her research interests include policy and payment mechanisms for improving the value of care – especially in the Medicare program and employer-sponsored insurance (ESI) plans. Her work currently focuses on obesity and diabetes. Baig was previously the director over a government ESI health plan where she used contractual efficiencies, incentive alignment, and data transparency to preserve rich benefits while saving money for taxpayers and plan members. She has served in various leadership roles for non-profit and government entities focused on health care value and affordability, value-based formulary management, and employee health and wellbeing. Baig holds a Master of Science in Public Health from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (‘14), where she also trained as a registered dietitian. Collective, she has over a decade of experience working on issues related to obesity, diabetes, public health, and health insurance.

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