TOMS BQL - your next generation cloud-based business intelligence | Bloomberg Professional Services

TOMS BQL – Your Next Generation Cloud-Based Business Intelligence

Join us for the Bloomberg webinar on how to solve challenging TOMS order-management questions, using the latest technological innovations at Bloomberg. 

TOMS BQL is a powerful Business Intelligence solution that combines rich computed data-sets generated by the OMS, along with Bloomberg's market leading reference and pricing data using a flexible and robust query language, Bloomberg Query Language (BQL). The solution enables building flexible dashboards in Excel, with TOMS data-sets including position, risk and orders.

In this webinar we will cover:
  • An introduction to Bloomberg's next generation API - BQL and TOMS
  • Real World Use-Cases on how this integration can help drive insights:
    • Discovering Trade Opportunities by getting a better understanding of your exposure and market conditions
    • Analyzing Risk across your books in custom risk buckets and monitoring changes over time
    • Measuring and tracking Trader's Performance over time


Balaji Kumar

Global TOMS Product Manager


Balaji Kumar is a Product Manager in Bloomberg's sell-side business TOMS with expertise in cross-asset derivatives, and has been at Bloomberg for nine years. He develops the product suite for integrated trade-capture, PnL and Risk solutions for the sell-side trading community, with a keen focus on today's 'Traders Who Code'. Prior to Bloomberg, Balaji spent three years at Credit Suisse as a Technology Quant, building PnL and Risk systems for the Emerging Markets desk. Balaji holds a Masters in Financial Engineering from Columbia University, an MBA from the Indian Institute of Technology, and an undergrad degree in Computer Science Engineering.

Lilian Liu

BQuant Product Specialist


Lilian Liu is a BQuant Product Specialist in Bloomberg’s Desktop Build Group. Her role focuses on delivering quantitative desktop solutions to buy side clients. Lilian has been with Bloomberg for the past two years and have had previous experience working in software development for the biomedical sector.

Han Hui Koh

Financial Solutions Developer


Han Hui is a Financial Solutions Developer in Bloomberg’s Desktop Build Group focusing on delivering Desktop API solutions. Over the past 3 years in the team, Han Hui has been working primarily with the investment-management communities of Singapore, Kuala Lumpur and Jakarta to better leverage on Bloomberg's various quantitative tools to develop and enhance bespoke financial models.

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