IRO’s: Managing Deep Estimates on Bloomberg | Bloomberg Professional Services

Iro’s: Managing Deep Estimates on Bloomberg

Effectively managing broker estimates is key for an Investor Relations professional to execute their role. Now with broker models available in a consensus view on Bloomberg, it will be critical to understand what your investors are viewing and using to make investment decisions. Join us as Bloomberg Intelligence Senior Analyst George Ferguson, and Earnings Estimates Data Specialist Michael Burdette explain how buy-side analysts and PM’s are leveraging the aggregated and standardized models, and how Investor Relations professionals can manage the deep estimates on Bloomberg.


George Ferguson

Senior Analyst

Bloomberg Intelligence

George Ferguson IV is a senior aerospace, defense & airline analyst at Bloomberg Intelligence. George specializes in global aerospace, defense and air transport, leading research on the return of the Boeing 737 Max. Prior to joining Bloomberg, George was a senior investment analyst focused on industrial companies for global equity and debt funds at BlackRock and Merrill Lynch Investment Managers. He is also a former US Army intelligence officer, serving as the battalion intelligence officer (S2) for the 744th Military Police Battalion deployed to Iraq for Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2003. George began his 14-year Army Reserve career as an infantry soldier in a mechanized infantry battalion. He earned his MBA from the Graduate School of Management at Rutgers University and is a CFA charter holder and a private pilot.

Michael J. Burdette

Earnings Estimates Data Analyst


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