Brexit: changes to your MiFID II Reporting | Bloomberg Professional Services

Brexit: Changes to Your Mifid II Reporting

Join the regulatory reporting team for a practical session outlining the measures we are taking regarding our APA and ARM services, and Bloomberg Regulatory Reporting Services (BRRS), and important information for firms that may be subject to dual UK/EU reporting. The session will be interactive and followed by a Q&A.


Rachael Hutchins

Product Manager, Regulatory Reporting


Rachael is currently Product Manager for Bloomberg’s MiFID II regulatory reporting products and the Business Manager for Bloomberg’s regulated Approved Reporting Mechanism (‘ARM’) and Approved Publication Arrangements (‘APA’). In 2017, Bloomberg created RHUB, a global, multi-asset class regulatory reporting suite that addresses MiFID II trade and transaction reporting via a single reporting platform. Rachael works closely with clients to support their reporting needs and since joining RHUB, has been involved in reviewing global regulatory reporting obligations as Bloomberg expands its RHUB offering to clients globally.

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