Cooking with La Cocina | Bloomberg Professional Services

Cooking with La Cocina

Bloomberg and La Cocina invite you and your family to participate in an online cooking demonstration with Adriana Lahl, chef and owner of Sal de Vida Gourmet and author of Celebraciones Mexicanas. Follow along with the recipes while listening to Adriana's evocative stories about food, people and places in an event suitable for ages eight to adult.

Additional ingredients needed, please purchase these perishable items a few days before the event:

•Large bowl 
•Wooden mixing spoon 
•Cutting board/heavy platter (or tortilla press) 
•Plastic bag or Ziploc-type bag 
•Skillet or griddle 
•Paper Towels

•1 cups masa harina [Maseca or PAN brand masa harina tortilla mix (white, yellow or blue corn masa harina as well)
•1/2 tsp salt 
•1/2 tbsp baking powder 
•Lime juice - ½ tablespoon (optional)
•1/2 plus 1/3 cups warm water (always have extra water)
Optional Ingredients 
•Edible flowers (zucchini blossoms or edible flower petals) 
•Herbs (cilantro, epazote or parsley) 
•Beet or green juice 

Pico de Gallo
•1/2 onion, chopped
•2 tomatoes, chopped
•2 tbsps fresh chopped cilantro
•1 or 2 serrano chiles, chopped
•Juice of 1 Mexican limes
•Salt to taste

Mushroom Filling
•1 basket sliced white mushrooms
•1 small white onion sliced
•2 tablespoons of finely chopped cilantro
•1/2 tablespoon salt
•Salt and pepper
•1 tablespoon of oil

Corn and zucchini filling
•1 large corn kernels
•1 large zucchini
•1/2 white onion chopped
•1 large tomato chopped
•2 tablespoons of chopped cilantro
•1 tablespoon oil
•Salt and pepper

Paloma Cocktail
•1 tablespoon kosher salt 
•1 tablespoon chili powder 
•1 grapefruit or lime wedge 
•1/4 cup grapefruit juice 
•1 tablespoon lime or lemon juice 
•1 tablespoon of sugar 
•1/4 cup Tequila or Mezcal of your choice 
•1/4 cup club soda 
•Ice cubes
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