Buy-Side View - Risk management in volatile markets | Bloomberg Professional Services

Buy-Side View – Risk Management in Volatile Markets

As volatility levels peaks around election time, take a short break to learn how Bloomberg can help you understand the impact of different risk factors / drivers in your multi-asset portfolios, build custom scenarios and run complex simulations.
Discussion topics
  • Volatility in the markets
  • Observed leading risk management practices during volatile times
  • Using MARS for Intraday risk/PnL monitoring and stress testing


Chintan Shah

Global Front Office Risk Product Manager

Bloomberg L.P.

Chintan Shah is a global product manager for MARS Front Office. Chintan advises insurers, pensions, and corporate treasuries on leading practices in enterprise risk management, and asset-liability management practices. Prior to his role at Bloomberg, Chintan spent 11 years in the industry working at AIG, Ernst & Young Advisory, Barclays, and Deutsche Bank.

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