Building a platform for auctions | Insights | Bloomberg Professional Services

Building a platform for auctions

Dutch State Treasury Agency (DSTA)

The Dutch State Treasury Agency (DSTA) is a directorate of the Dutch Ministry of Finance. It finances the Dutch State, efficiently managing the national debt and public money in the treasury. It employs more than 60 financial experts.

Awareness of when the pace of delivery may be impacted, and the weeks where output was likely to be higher – such as when Bloomberg would deliver new features for testing – enabled the DSTA side to make sure we had enough time and people to test during those more productive weeks”

Paul van Arragon, Senior Dealer, DSTA


The Dutch State Treasury Agency needed a provider to facilitate the sale of longer term government bonds using the Dutch Direct Auction technique. It was looking for a secure, user-friendly auction platform that was compatible with this method to successfully issue government bonds.

DSTA was already a Bloomberg client and had been using BAS for several years

BAS had to connect seamlessly with the DSTA’s treasury management system


At the beginning of 2022, the Dutch State Treasury Agency (DSTA) conducted a market consultation as it searched for a new platform to issue longer-term government debt using the Dutch Direct Auction (DDA) technique. The DSTA needed a secure, fast and functional auction system that offered real-time visibility.

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Needed a secure and functional auction system that offered real-time visibility


Bloomberg enhanced its Bloomberg Auction System, building a new workflow that enabled the Dutch State Treasury Agency to complete a successful Dutch Direct Auction within nine months of engagement.

Bloomberg Auction System (BAS)

“It can be hard for someone in my role to understand what it takes to develop something. Coding is not my field of expertise, but the Bloomberg team took us by the hand, explaining everything clearly. Constant communication ensured a great product – and result.”

Paul van Arragon, Senior Dealer, DSTA


The enhanced auction platform is effective, secure and connects seamlessly to existing DSTA platforms

Benefits from an up-to-date, accurate overview for analysis

Advantage of an output of data to use externally

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