Powering your portfolio: Piecing together crucial intraday insights for better decision support | Insights | Bloomberg Professional Services

Powering your portfolio: Piecing together crucial intraday insights for better decision support

Portfolio management is as much an art as it is a science. The balance between investment risk and the quest for alpha requires significant analysis, and complexity abounds as investors monitor and interpret a wide range of intraday inputs.

While internal or specialized tools can provide an adequate understanding of an investment book, they are expensive to support and often lack comprehensive data and control processes.  Portfolio Managers have long relied on fragmented systems to source market insights, including liquidity, news, and research. This operational deviation exposes investment teams to gridlock and wasted time, creating a fractured landscape within which critical decision making must take place.

The evolving and unpredictable landscape underscores more than ever the need for sophisticated investment tools and high-quality data to support the decision-making process of a portfolio manager.

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The heart of the matter

Portfolio managers today find themselves responsible for an increasing number of portfolios, investing across a range of sophisticated or data-heavy multi-asset strategies and a capital markets environment that is faster moving and more liquidity constrained than in any prior era. Despite these complexities, expectations remain for them to act nimbly and efficiently, focusing on value-add activity, and minimizing time spent on passive process. Furthermore, the glut of available data can be overwhelming  if manually synthesizing into actionable insights. This creates a significant challenge for many investment teams.

Implementing the right decision support capabilities is crucial to empowering Portfolio managers and achieving scale across a book of business. As part of an end-to-end investment platform these tools become even more powerful.

Investing in technology that anticipates the future

Managers seeking a comprehensive portfolio management solution can turn to Bloomberg Buy-Side Solutions for support across the entirety of their investment workflow. With our new Portfolio Manager Workspace, {PM <GO>}, Bloomberg harnesses its industry-leading data, portfolio analytics, liquidity, and news overlaid with best-practice portfolio implementation to provide a differentiating decision support experience. PM <GO> intertwines real-time exposures with intraday market insights and embedded AXE liquidity to give a dynamic view of what’s happening to a portfolio at any given time. This is a workflow tool that can surface opportunities to accelerate a client’s ability to make high-quality portfolio modeling decisions. Underpinning the portfolio modeling process, our powerful compliance engine runs alongside each action, flagging potential breaches and lowering the risk of order errors or last-minute adjustments.

Being able to operate with a centralized 360-degree perspective is key to effective portfolio management. Bloomberg provides investors the solution to confidently manage their portfolios, making informed decisions with high quality data that allows insights to be surfaced in real-time.

Bloomberg Buy-Side solutions offers comprehensive, fully hosted technology across the entire investment lifecycle all within the Bloomberg ecosystem. Home to PM <GO> and its decision support tools, Bloomberg AIM delivers global, multi-asset trading solutions that optimize workflows across front and middle office compliance, and operational groups. AIM provides tools to manage portfolio and risk, enhance trading workflow, integrate compliance, and lower operational risk.

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