2020 U.S. Healthcare Policy and Election Outlook | Bloomberg Professional Services

2020 U.S. Healthcare Policy and Election Outlook

Watch this event on Demand, anytime.The healthcare sector will be at the forefront of major policy and political issues over the coming months with profound impact more than likely.

Bloomberg Intelligence’s senior health-policy analyst Brian Rye discusses the ongoing drug-pricing and surprise-billing battles, as well as the implications of the upcoming U.S. elections.Contact David Oberacker [doberacker@bloomberg.net] or Michelle Pas [mpas1@bloomberg.net] to request a demo or speak with an analyst about any of the features discussed.


Brian Rye

Senior Healthcare Policy Analyst

Bloomberg Intelligence

Brian Rye is a senior health care policy analyst for Bloomberg Intelligence. Mr. Rye covers the impact of Washington legislation and regulations on the health care industry. Prior to working with Bloomberg Intelligence, Mr. Rye was a Senior Healthcare Analyst with Bloomberg Government. He spent 12 years as an equity research analyst at SunTrust, Raymond James and Janney Montgomery Scott. In those capacities, he followed biotech, pharmaceutical and other health-care companies. Rye also served as a senior business management analyst for Booz Allen Hamilton’s civil health group. He received a bachelor’s degree in economics from Vanderbilt University and holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation.

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