Avoid the Common Pitfalls in FX Post-trade and TMS Integration | Bloomberg Professional Services

Avoid the Common Pitfalls in FX Post-Trade and TMS Integration

Optimizing the post-trade process including confirmation and matching and adhering to EMIR Refit regulations can include complex processes on it's own. Add the need to integrate across multiple systems and it's no surprise that treasury teams are looking for ways to automate the workflow to reduce manual work and increase data accuracy.

This session will focus on solutions for post trading. Experience the Confirmation Matching and Settlement tool to help consolidate workflows into a single system. Learn how to leverage the Bloomberg SWIFT infrastructure to automate the trade confirmation process.

Discover Bloomberg Emir solutions which were developed in parallel with the regulations to enrich data, define eligibility and exceptions for each trade executed on the platform.

Finally, we'll demonstrate how integration with your TMS can provide an automated workflow allowing you to consume and analyse all the data generated by your trading and post trading activities within your treasury system.


Antonio Guerra

FX Electronic Trading specialist per Italia e Svizzera

Bloomberg L.P.

Antonio vanta un’esperienza decennale nel campo dell’electronic trading, prima di approdare a Bloomberg, ha lavorato come FX dealer per broker internazionali. A Bloomberg dal 2014, Antonio é il referente per Bloomberg FXGO per l’Italia e la Svizzera, ed in precedenza ha coperato anche altri Paesi come Olanda e Spagna. Nel suo ruolo offre assistenza sia ai market takers che I market makers che operano sulla nostra piattaforma di trading.

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