Capital Markets Forum Poland | Bloomberg Professional Services

Capital Markets Forum Poland

Join Poland's most esteemed leaders in industry, policy and regulation for an inclusive, forward-looking discussion into the recovery and modernisation of the Polish economy post the Covid-19 pandemic.

Moderated by Bloomberg television reporter Maria Tadeo, the Bloomberg Capital Markets Forum: Poland will feature an opening keynote speech by Minister Tadeusz Kościński, Minister of Finance, Development Funds and Regional Policy for Poland, followed by a panel of experts who will focus on:

•Poland's position between the emerging and developed markets
•The post-Covid economy
•Outlook for green investments


Minister Tadeusz Kościński

Minister of Finance, Development Funds and Regional Policy

Republic of Poland

On October 6, 2020, Mr Kościński was appointed Minister of Finance, Development Funds and Regional Policy. He has long experience (over 30 years, also international) in the banking and administration sectors, where he held managerial positions. Since 1997, director of Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. Previously, he worked at Polski Bank Rozwoju S.A., Bank Przemysłowo-Handlowy, Bank Śląski, Pomorski Bank Kredytowy as well as two banks in London. From November 27, 2015 to January 15, 2018, Mr Kościński held the position of Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Economic Development. On January 16, 2018, he was appointed Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Enterprise and Technology. From July 1, 2019 to November 15, 2019, he was the Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Finance. Since January 7, 2019, Mr Kościński is a representative of the Prime Minister in the Polish Financial Supervision Authority. On November 15, 2019, he was appointed Minister of Finance. He is a graduate of the Goldsmith's University of London and the Founder of the “Kresy Historii” Foundation.

Bożena Graczyk

Vice-President of the Management Board

ING Bank Sląski S.A.

In her capacity, Bożena Graczyk has been CFO at ING Bank Śląski S.A. in Poland since 2017. Previously, from 1994 she was associated with KPMG, where she held the positions of Head of Accounting Advisory Services, and then Head of the Financial Risk Management Team. She became Partner, Financial Services in 2001. Bożena Graczyk is a graduate of the Foreign Trade Faculty at the University of Lodz. She holds an Executive MBA in International Business from the University of Bristol, UK and École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, France and is also a graduate of the Advanced Management Program at the IESE Business School. She is a certified auditor.

Borno Janekovic


Templeton Asset Management (Polska) TFI

Mr. Janekovic is the CEO of Templeton Asset Management (Polska) TFI a Polish asset management company. The company launched three open ended mutual funds (fixed income, equity and multi asset). Mr. Janekovic also has the role of the CIO of the entity. He is also the Director of Sales for Franklin Templeton's operations in Central & Eastern Europe. In this role, he is responsible for business development across the eastern EU member states as well as the markets further east. Mr. Janekovic joined Franklin Templeton's Frankfurt Office in 1999 as a Marketing Executive. While in Frankfurt, he was responsible for developing and executing the firm’s German eBusiness strategy. In 2002, he was given the additional responsibility for developing the eMarketing strategy Franklin Templeton's entire International group, which included the Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia regions. From 2004 to 2006 he worked for Franklin Templeton in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Prior to 1999, he spent four years with DWS in Germany, the asset manager arm of Deutsche Bank. His primary responsibility was providing operational support to the Fund Management and the Marketing teams. Mr. Janekovic received a Master in Computer Science from the University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany and participated in an Executive Leadership Program from the University of California, Berkeley, Haas School of Business.

Leszek Skiba

President of the Management Board

Bank Pekao S.A.

From April 2020, Leszek Skiba is President of Bank Pekao Management Board. In 2015, he was appointed deputy finance minister, where he was responsible for the supervision over macroeconomic policy and tax legislation. He was also supporting legislative works connected with financial and capital markets, and prepared general outline of the budget system reform. In 2019 and 2020 he served as the President of the Council of the Bank Guarantee Fund. Between 2009 and 2015 Leszek Skiba worked at the National Bank of Poland, at the Economic Institute, where he worked on NBP’s report devoted to the consequences of Poland’s membership of the euro area and prepared analyses of the euro area economy. Since 2009, Leszek Skiba has been running public non-profit activities as the President of the Council and expert of the Sobieski Institute. Leszek Skiba is a graduate of master’s degree studies at the Warsaw School of Economics, in the faculty of International Economic and Political Relations. He’s the author of numerous publications in the field of his professional work and public activities.

Marek Dietl


GPW (Warsaw Stock Exchange)

Dr. Marek Dietl is the CEO of GPW (Warsaw Stock Exchange) and the economic adviser to the President of Poland. He has spent almost 20 years in the consulting and venture capital industries. He collected experience as a non-executive board member of more than 25 organizations. Marek Dietl frequently undertakes community and academic activities. He used to serve as a mediator at the arbitration court of the Financial Supervision Commission and adviser to the President of Energy Regulation Office. Marek Dietl is also an assistant professor at the SGH-Warsaw School of Economics.

Maria Tadeo


Bloomberg Television

Maria Tadeo is a Brussels-based reporter for Bloomberg Television where she regularly reports on the continent’s politics and economy. She covered the Catalan independence crisis in-depth in 2017, the European elections and the Brexit negotiations from Brussels. She has also covered international events such as the G-7 and the European Central Bank monetary policy decisions. She also covered the Spanish and Greek general elections as part of the broader shift in European politics and followed the Italian government crisis securing an interview with Matteo Salvini. Reporting from the field across Europe, she has also landed interviews with top ranking European officials including French Finance Minister Bruno le Maire, Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and European Central Bank governing council member Olli Rehn among others. Previously, Maria was based in Bloomberg’s London headquarters and the Madrid bureau. She graduated with a first class degree in journalism from City University London and received a scholarship from Banco Santander to complete a master’s degree in financial journalism. She is fluent in English, Spanish and French.

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