Central Bank Webinar Series: Financial stability and Europe's path back to normal | Bloomberg Professional Services

Central Bank Webinar Series: Financial Stability and Europe’s Path Back to Normal

As the world emerges from the global pandemic and governments set a course back towards normal, we take a look at the risks, challenges and opportunities lying ahead for Europe's policy makers.

Join us for this webinar in which Bloomberg's Dr. Björn Van Roye, former Team Lead Economist at the European Central Bank, will present his macro outlook for Europe with a focus on risks to financial stability.

Following Björn's briefing, he will be joined by Gary Kazantsev, who will discuss how BQNT, our interactive Python research environment, can help measure and track financial stability conditions based on everything from market data to your own proprietary data. The webinar will be hosted by Michael McDonough, Global Business Manager for Central Banks & Government Financial Agencies at Bloomberg.


Dr Bjorn Van Roye

Senior Global Economist

Bloomberg Economics

Björn van Roye is a Senior Global Economist for Bloomberg Economics in Frankfurt and lecturer at the University of Oxford. He previously worked as a Team Lead Economist at the European Central Bank and a Research economist at the Kiel Institute for the World Economy. He is author of several macroeconomic models and tools such the “ECB-Global model for spillover analysis” and the “BEAR toolbox” for estimating Bayesian VAR models. He holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Kiel and Master degrees in Economics and Statistics from the Humboldt University Berlin and the ENSAE in Paris.

Gary Kazantsev

Head of Quant Technology Strategy

Bloomberg L.P.

Gary is the Head of Quant Technology Strategy in the Office of the CTO at Bloomberg. Prior to taking on this role, he created and headed the company’s Machine Learning Engineering group, leading projects at the intersection of computational linguistics, machine learning and finance, such as sentiment analysis of financial news, market impact indicators, statistical text classification, social media analytics, question answering, and predictive modeling of financial markets. Prior to joining Bloomberg in 2007, Gary had earned degrees in physics, mathematics, and computer science from Boston University. He is engaged in advisory roles with FinTech and Machine Learning startups and has worked at a variety of technology and academic organizations over the last 20 years. In addition to speaking regularly at industry and academic events around the globe, he is a member of the KDD Data Science + Journalism workshop program committee and the advisory board for the AI & Data Science in Trading conference series. He is also a co-organizer of the annual Machine Learning in Finance conference at Columbia University.

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