CSDR: Best practices for reducing the number of penalties using AIM | Bloomberg Professional Services

CSDR: Best Practices for Reducing the Number of Penalties Using AIM

Discover how Bloomberg can help firms navigate the settlement discipline regime and utilise essential tools to ensure high settlement rates and in turn avoid costly failed settlements.


Adham Zaki

Post-Trade Product Manager - Asset & Investment Manager (AIM)


Adham had a variety of roles within Tier 1 buyside organisations before joining Bloomberg AIM in 2017. He is currently an AIM Product Manager where he has a breadth of responsibilities enhancing AIM's post-trade services for the future.

Nico Mund

Buy-Side Solutions - Asset & Investment Manager (AIM)


Nico is a workflow support specialist for Bloomberg’s Buy-Side Solutions Asset & Investment Manager (AIM); initially focusing on Equity workflows, he now specialises in the order-management and post-trade functionality across all asset classes. Nico has been supporting some of the world's largest and most complex Buy-side firms across a variety of workflows since joining Bloomberg in 2020.

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