Delta Spread, Inflation Fear, Fed Taper - Bloomberg Economics Outlook Webinar | Bloomberg Professional Services

Delta Spread, Inflation Fear, Fed Taper – Bloomberg Economics Outlook Webinar

How is the fast-spreading Delta variant affecting the outlook for reopening and 
economic growth? Are inflation fears inflated? What will the Fed taper look 
like. Are China risks rising?

Join Stephanie Flanders, Head of Bloomberg Economics, as she leads a discussion 
with our Bloomberg Economics team- Bill Dudley, David Wilcox, and Tom Orlik, on 
what all of this means for the U.S. and China markets as we head into the last 
stretch of 2021. 

The conversation will also feature an introduction to SHOK - a powerful new 
tool for analyzing the outlook on the Bloomberg Terminal, by Dan Hanson.


Stephanie Flanders

Senior Executive Editor

Bloomberg L.P.

Stephanie Flanders joined Bloomberg in October 2017 as Senior Executive Editor for Economics and head of Bloomberg Economics. In this new post she leads a combined group of more than 100 Bloomberg News economic reporters worldwide and 25 professional research economists. Stephanie came to Bloomberg from J P Morgan Asset Management, where she had been Chief Market Strategist for the UK and Europe since 2013. Stephanie was Economics Editor for the BBC from 2008 to 2013, where her national and global economic analysis was broadcast around the world and widely respected. Prior to joining the BBC, Stephanie was a speechwriter and senior advisor to US Treasury Secretary Lawrence H. Summers in the second Clinton Administration, where she was closely involved in the management of emerging market crises and other major economic issues from 1997 to 2001. She has also worked as an economist at the Institute for Fiscal Studies and London Business School. She is an Honorary Fellow of Balliol College, Oxford and a Fellow of the Society of Professional Economics. In 2016 she was appointed to Chair the Royal Society of Arts' Inclusive Growth Commission, which delivered its final report in 2017.

Bill Dudley

Senior Advisor

Bloomberg Economics

Bill Dudley is a senior advisor to Bloomberg Economics and senior research scholar at Princeton University. From 2009 to 2018, Mr. Dudley was the President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, vice chairman of the Federal Open Market Committee, and on the BIS Board of Directors. At the BIS, he chaired the Committee on Payments and Settlement Systems and the Committee on the Global Financial System. Prior being President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Mr. Dudley served as executive director of the Markets Group at the NY Fed and was the Chief US Economist at Goldman Sachs.

David Wilcox

Director of US Economic Research

Bloomberg L.P.

David Wilcox is director of U.S. economic research at Bloomberg Economics. From 2011 to 2018, he was director of the Federal Reserve Board’s Division of Research and Statistics, and served as a senior adviser to three Fed chairs.

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Chief Economist


Tom Orlik is Bloomberg’s Chief Economist, based in Washington DC. Previously, Tom was the Chief Asia economist for Bloomberg and China economics correspondent for The Wall Street Journal, based in Beijing. Prior to eleven years in China, he was an advisor to the UK Executive Director of the International Monetary Fund and policy analyst at the British Treasury and European Commission. He is the author of Understanding China’s Economic Indicators and China: The Bubble that Never Pops.

Dan Hanson

Senior U.K. Economist

Bloomberg L.P.

Dan is a senior economist covering the U.K. for Bloomberg Economics in London. He has over a decade of experience analyzing the British economy. Before joining Bloomberg in 2015, he spent seven years at HM Treasury where he worked on a variety of macroeconomic issues.

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