ESG in Case Studies: As-Reported Company Data | Bloomberg Professional Services

ESG in Case Studies: As-Reported Company Data

The first webinar in this series will focus on company as reported data. This is the data that Bloomberg collects for over 15,500 companies and it is imperative that we get it right, if you are to rely on our data in your analysis, be it in its raw form or through derived products, such as the Bloomberg ESG Scores.

Discussion points:
  • Company Coverage (Rules, KPIs, Derived fields)
  • Data Quality
  • Link to fundamentals (Revenue segmentation, production metrics)
  • Combining with fundamentals in advanced products e.g., net zero assessment, biodiversity


Revan Arkan

ESG Market Specialist


Revan is an ESG Market Specialist at Bloomberg advising clients on ESG solutions and supporting the sustainable finance products development strategy. She was previously leading Bloomberg's proprietary Environmental and Social scores data team. Before joining Bloomberg 6 years ago, she worked at S360 Impact Advisors and Deloitte as a sustainability and climate risk consultant. She's a graduate of Cambridge University's Sustainable Business Programme and holds a Masters degree in International Development Economics from Sorbonne University.

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