EU Policy series: Redesigning MiFID for the challenges of the next decade | Bloomberg Professional Services

EU Policy Series: Redesigning Mifid for the Challenges of the Next Decade

The European Commission will issue its long-awaited review of the MiFID/MiFIR regime in 2021.

Expectations are high among policymakers, regulators and market participants on the necessary changes to one of the biggest regulatory overhauls of European financial markets in a generation.

With three years of practical implementation experience to draw on, a significantly changed landscape following Brexit and as Europe builds its economic recovery from the COVID-19 crisis, Bloomberg is delighted to host an exclusive virtual event to delve into the upcoming goals of the European Commission on what’s next for MiFID II.

Tilman Lueder, Head of the Securities Markets Unit, DG FISMA, European Commission will deliver the opening remarks on the European Commission’s assessment of the MiFID/MiFIR regime and outline key priorities for the upcoming legislative review.

Moderated by Anna Edwards, Anchor, Bloomberg TV, an interactive Q&A session will allow the audience to engage with Mr Lueder on the key questions identified by regulators and market players on the functioning of the MiFID/MiFIR regime.

A High-level panel discussion joined by Udo Franke, Head of the Stock Markets and Securities Division, German Federal Ministry of Finance and Nicholas Bean, Global Head of Electronic Trading Solutions, Bloomberg L.P., will identify the national and market experts' key perspectives ahead of the review.


Tilman Lueder

Head of the Securities Markets Unit, DG FISMA

European Commission

Tilman Lüder holds a doctorate in law from the University of Tübingen. Before joining the European Commission in 1999, Tilman was as an associate in Cleary Gottlieb Steen and Hamilton LLP. He worked on European and German antitrust and merger control issues. His first job in the Commission was that of a case manager dealing with antitrust and state aid cases in the area of post and telecommunications in the Directorate General for Competition. In 2002, he became the spokesperson to Commissioner Mario Monti, responsible for Competition, a position he successfully held until being appointed, in 2005, Head of the Copyright Unit of Directorate General for the Internal Market (DG MARKT). He pursued his career to become Head of the Asset Management Unit (2011-2015) in DG MARKT, later the Directorate General for Financial Stability, Financial Services and the Capital Markets Union (DG FISMA). As of September 2015, Tilman heads the Securities Markets Unit in DG FISMA.

Udo Franke

Head of the Stock Markets and Securities Division

German Federal Ministry of Finance

Udo Franke is Head of the Stock Markets and Securities Division of the Federal Ministry of Finance in Germany. He joined the Ministry in 1995 and worked among others on banking regulation and international financial affairs. Mr. Franke holds a diploma in Economics of the Free University of Berlin.

Nicholas Bean

Head of Electronic Trading Solutions

Bloomberg L.P.

Nicholas Bean has been the Head of Electronic Trading Solutions at Bloomberg since February 2018. He is responsible for the strategy and operations of Bloomberg's trading platforms and products for fixed income instruments, FX and derivatives, and related direct connectivity services, on the Bloomberg Terminal. The solutions he oversees include Bloomberg’s SEF and two MTF platforms, the fixed income trading platform FIT, the FX trading platform FXGO, execution management systems (EMSX, FXEM and TSOX) as well as trade automation and transaction cost analysis solutions. He is also CEO of Bloomberg’s regulated entities in the Netherlands, including BTFE, Bloomberg’s MTF located in Amsterdam. He joined Bloomberg in 2014 as Head of the Fixed Income electronic trading product. Prior to that, Bean spent 17 years at Bank of America Merrill Lynch, where he worked across the firm's fixed income electronic trading business.

Anna Edwards

Co-anchor, “Bloomberg Markets: European Open”

Bloomberg Television

Anna Edwards is the co-anchor of “Bloomberg Markets: European Open” on Bloomberg Television and a frequent host of “Bloomberg Daybreak Europe” on Bloomberg Radio. Anna has more than ten years experience in business news having previously worked at CNBC Europe and freelanced for CNN in London. Before working in TV Anna was an equity analyst at UBS and qualified as a Chartered Management Accountant at Pricewaterhouse Coopers. Anna has interviewed business leaders, politicians and key economy figures including Bob Diamond, Sir Richard Branson, Justin King, Paul Walsh, Michael O’Leary, Ben Verwaayen, Alistair Darling, Lord Digby Jones, Christine Lagarde, Bill Gross, Jim Rogers, Paul Krugman, Steven Roach, Nouriel Roubini and many more.

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