European Capital Allocation 2024 Outlook - M&A, Dividends & Buybacks: BI Replay | Bloomberg Professional Services

European Capital Allocation 2024 Outlook – M&A, Dividends & Buybacks: BI Replay

European companies enter 2024 flush with cash, sitting on strong balance sheets and generating healthy cash-flow, bringing shareholder payouts back to the top of corporate agenda. Dividends may be favored over share buybacks for most, as economic uncertainty and elevated interest rates encourage caution. Acquisitions are likely to pick up across most sectors, though tactical "bolt-on" acquisitions, rather than large, big ticket acquisitions may be favored by the majority of companies. Speakers: Philip Richards, Senior Banks Analyst, Bloomberg Intelligence Laurent Douillet, Senior Equity Strategist, Bloomberg Intelligence Deborah Aitken, Senior Consumer Analyst, Bloomberg Intelligence Omid Vaziri, Senior Industrials Analyst, Bloomberg Intelligence
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