Explore the breadth of Bloomberg ESG data on the Terminal | Bloomberg Professional Services

Explore the Breadth of Bloomberg ESG Data on the Terminal

Join this webinar for a comprehensive overview of Bloomberg’s extensive and growing ESG data offering, all accessible on the Bloomberg Terminal.

Discussion topics:
  • ESG As Reported data
  • Sustainable debt
  • GHG Estimates and other climate-related data
  • ESG Scores
  • ESG Regulatory offering
  • EU Taxonomy, SFDR, EBA Pillar 3
  • Data discovery on the Terminal


Irene Bermont-Penn

Head of European ESG Market Specialists


Irene leads the EMEA ESG Market Specialists team and has extensive knowledge across the various pillars of ESG and Sustainable Finance. She has subject matter expertise in ESG and sustainable debt data, ESG Regulations, Climate and new areas of focus for the market such as Biodiversity. Prior to joining Bloomberg, Irene was an Equity Research Analyst at UBS Investment Bank.

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