Get Ready for MAS OTC Derivatives Reporting Rewrite | Bloomberg Professional Services

Get Ready for MAS OTC Derivatives Reporting Rewrite

Improving the quality of reported derivatives data has been a years-long and monumental global effort.

In Singapore, the MAS's rewrite is expected to go live in October 2024, updating the rules in concert with international standardization and harmonization efforts to ensure that data reported has a meaningful application.

Join us as we examine the impending changes and how you can prepare for them. We'll review the updated regulations, new data requirements, current challenges, and how Bloomberg can help you meet MAS regulatory reporting requirements.


エイミー クワン

APAC ポストトレード テクノロジー責任者


エイミーは、ブルームバーグ LP の APAC ポストトレード テクノロジーの責任者であり、アジア太平洋地域の顧客向けの金融データ コンプライアンスと規制レポート ソリューションを監督しています。彼女は、クライアントが自動化を導入し、取引ワークフロー プロセスを合理化できるように、進化し続ける金融テクノロジーの計画、特定、実装を担当し、ミドル オフィスおよびバック オフィス コミュニティに取引後の接続性と効率性をもたらします。

Alexis Wiazmitinoff

EMIR Regulatory Reporting Specialist


With more than 10 years of FinTech and RegTech experience in EU and in the UK, Alexis currently serves as our regulatory reporting specialist within the Business Development Team for Bloomberg's Regulatory Reporting business. At Bloomberg, Alexis ensures the latest intelligence is built into our regulatory reporting services and shares his expertise internally as well as externally. Prior to joining Bloomberg, Alexis product managed London Stock Exchange Group’s EMIR Trade Repository and key MiFIR ancillary services for Europe’s leading ARM. In this role, Alexis worked with the trade repository industry, regulators and ESMA, ensuring firms benefit from the highest possible quality of service to help them meet their reporting obligations.

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