Global Regulatory Forum 2022: Envisioning a new global financial hub, in conversation with Hirofumi Yoshimura | Bloomberg Professional Services

Global Regulatory Forum 2022: Envisioning a New Global Financial Hub, in Conversation with Hirofumi Yoshimura

Envisioning a new global financial hub, in conversation with Hirofumi Yoshimura, Governor of the Osaka Prefecture, Japan


Hirofumi Yoshimura

Governor, Osaka Prefecture

Governor Hirofumi Yoshimura began his political career with the goal of Osaka becoming another axis of Japan in addition to Tokyo. His motto is 'Where there is a will, there is a way'. In 2000 he started his career as a lawyer after graduating from Kyushu University. After serving as a member of the Diet, and Mayor of Osaka City, he became Governor of Osaka Prefecture in 2019. He has successfully bid for the 2019 G20 Summit and the 2025 Osaka-Kansai Expo, and in the fight against COVID-19 from 2020, he has led the national government's coronavirus countermeasures, including “Osaka Model”, the prefectural government's own guidelines for lifting behavioral restraints. He is also passionate about the creation of new technology in preparation for the Expo. Several projects such as an experimental study of a flying car has already launched.

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