Navigating Uncertainty for Asia Dollar Bonds | Bloomberg Professional Services

Navigating Uncertainty for Asia Dollar Bonds

As U.S. inflation returns against a backdrop of declining excess liquidity and rising Treasury interest expense, the Fed may be forced to make a policy decision that forgoes one of its primary mandates.

This means growing uncertainty for traders of Asia dollar bonds. With countless factors feeding into the decision process around where, when and how orders are executed, having the right TCA tools is imperative to navigating this complexity.

In this session, you’ll discover insights directly relevant to your trading strategy and performance analysis, as well as end-to-end solutions that bring together pricing, analytics, liquidity, automation, and execution optimized by straight-through processing that will help you meet the challenges of an intensification of dollar-bond market volatility and global conflicts.


Mike Googe

Product Manager & Global Head BTCA


Mike leads the product team for Bloomberg's transaction cost analysis service, BTCA. Mike joined Bloomberg in 2009 as a TCA specialist. With more than 30 years of industry experience in trading and execution consultancy, Mike's vision has contributed meaningfully to Bloomberg's position as a market leading post-trade TCA provider. BTCA is a multi-asset, post-trade transaction cost analysis tool that combines your trades with the unrivalled breadth and transparency of Bloomberg’s market data to deliver powerful analysis against a wide range of benchmarks. Featuring exception-based workflow and customizable reporting, BTCA empowers users to get the details they need on demand. BTCA delivers wide-ranging insight for trading-cost impact, decision support as well as a comprehensive solution for best execution, market abuse, and trade surveillance.

Timothy Tan

Senior Asia Fixed Income & Credit Strategist

Bloomberg Intelligence

Timothy has been in the fixed income and credit space since 1999 when he worked started the credit trading and derivative desk in UOB Asia in Singapore. Since then he has been involved Structured Products and EM at Standard Bank Asia, and headed the credit trading desk in Bayerische Landesbank. He was the credit strategist of Oasis Capital Management, and managed the proprietary fixed income and macro trading book in Yuanta Securities. He was also the Senior Strategist/PM for the start-up Global Credit Long/Short Macro hedge fund in One Tree Partners.

Humphrey Johandy Putra

Regional Sales Specialist


Humphrey joined Bloomberg in 2010 and currently responsible for leading the Electronic Trading Solutions New Business Sales Strategy across ASEAN. Prior to this role, Humphrey spent close to 9 years driving Bloomberg Enterprise Business within Emerging Market specifically in Indonesia Market. Seasoned business strategist, partnering with Financial Institutions across the region in providing Best In Class Enterprise Solutions.

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