Reacting to Trading Signals with TOMS Trader Workspace | Bloomberg Professional Services

Reacting to Trading Signals with TOMS Trader Workspace

Join this webinar to advance your trading workflow with Bloomberg’s TOMS Trader Workspace (TW) functions and identify new potential trading opportunities as we demonstrate how to analyse relative value; reference your prices with the market, and setting alerts.

Discover how to perform a relative value analysis of a bond and get a visual alert to whether a bond is trading rich or cheap; learn how to identify when a trade price is out of the market by creating sanity checks and receiving alerts; and uncover how you can send pricing and provide liquidity for multiple securities to clients, and much more.

Discussion topics:
  • Analysing relative value of a bond
  • Reference your prices with the market
  • Creating sanity checks and setting alerts
  • RUNZ and Axes – sending pricing to clients 


Leandro Garcia

TOMS Product Manager for Trader Workspace

Bloomberg L.P.

Leandro Garcia is the TOMS Product Manager for Trader Workspace (TW), the award-winning fixed income order management solution for the sell side. Leandro is focused on the design, development and delivery of trader desktop functionalities as it pertains to risk, P&L, position management and pricing workflows. Leandro has a background in Computer Science and has been at Bloomberg since 2005, with team leadership experience in account management and sales prior to joining the product team.

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