Should you jump on the Treasury 4.0 bandwagon? | Bloomberg Professional Services

Should You Jump on the Treasury 4.0 Bandwagon?

The recent digitalization trend, commonly known as "Treasury 4.0" continues to reshape the way treasuries operate. Robotic process automation, advanced data collection using APIs and artificial intelligence can help treasuries improve risk visibility and decision making. All together this can enable treasurers to take a more strategic role, involving the team in value-added activities as opposed to repetitive, manual and error-prone processes. We'll take a deep-dive into financial reporting with respect to IFRS 9/IAS 39, IFRS 7 and IFRS 13 and dependencies with hedge accounting.


Andre Pereira

Hedge Accounting Product Manager

Bloomberg L.P.

André is a product manager at Bloomberg, responsible for the hedge accounting solution in EMEA. He has extensive experience in the technical accounting (including hedge accounting) and valuation of complex financial instruments under IFRS, providing technical accounting advice, risk management and treasury consulting services to a number of FTSE 100 and large multinational corporate treasuries.

He has dedicated large part of his career improving the effectiveness and efficiency of treasury activities, processes and workflow; whether by active participation in the strategic vision and product roadmap planning of software vendors or as consultant and advisor to large corporations and financial institutions.

David Wiggins

Corporate Treasury Specialist

Bloomberg L.P.

David leads a team of market specialists, covering a wide range of expertise, across EMEA. His main focus, since joining Bloomberg in 2010, has been working with non-financial corporates to better understand their challenges and assist them in finding solutions to improve their treasury workflows. Prior to joining Bloomberg he worked as a derivative structurer for TD securities & HBOS Treasury Services. David holds a PhD in Applied Mathematical Studies from Leeds University.

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