The Global Outlook: Shaping a New World Economy | Bloomberg Professional Services

The Global Outlook: Shaping a New World Economy

Join the Bloomberg Emerging Frontier Forum 2021 for a virtual conversation with Carmen M. Reinhart, Vice President and Chief Economist of the World Bank Group, to discuss the challenges and opportunities in the global economy and the outlook facing emerging and frontier markets.

The event will be moderated by Stephanie Flanders, Head of Bloomberg Economics and Senior Executive Editor for Economics.

About the Bloomberg Emerging Frontier Forum

The Bloomberg Emerging Frontier Forum aims to deepen the dialogue around emerging and frontier markets by bringing together leaders from across industry and governance to discuss the opportunities, risks and growth potential. This is the second virtual event to have taken place throughout 2021. You can access the first virtual event of this series here.


Carmen M. Reinhart

Vice President and Chief Economist

World Bank Group

Carmen M. Reinhart is Vice President and Chief Economist of the World Bank Group. Assuming this role on June 15, 2020, Reinhart provides thought leadership for the institution at an unprecedented time of crisis. She also manages the Bank’s Development Economics Department. She is on public service leave from Harvard Kennedy School, where she is the Minos A. Zombanakis Professor of the International Financial System. Previously, she was Senior Policy Advisor and Deputy Director at the International Monetary Fund and held positions as Chief Economist and Vice President at the investment bank Bear Stearns. She also serves in the Advisory Panels of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and the International Monetary Fund. Reinhart has been listed among Bloomberg Markets Most Influential 50 in Finance, Foreign Policy’s Top 100 Global Thinkers, and Thompson Reuters' The World's Most Influential Scientific Minds. In 2018 she was awarded the King Juan Carlos Prize in Economics and NABE’s Adam Smith Award, among others. She holds a Ph.D. from Columbia University.

Stephanie Flanders

Head of Bloomberg Economics and Senior Executive Editor for Economics

Bloomberg News

Stephanie Flanders is the Senior Executive Editor for Bloomberg News. She oversees a team of nearly 100 Bloomberg economic reporters and research economists in the developed and developing world. From daily commentary to in-depth analysis, the team produces stories for all Bloomberg's platforms, including the Bloomberg Terminal, Bloomberg Businessweek, Bloomberg Markets Magazine as well as Prior to joining Bloomberg in October 2017, Stephanie was Chief Market Strategist for UK and Europe with JP Morgan Asset Management where she was delivering insight into the global economy and financial markets to investors in Europe and around the world. Stephanie was Economics Editor for the BBC from 2008 to 2013, where her national and global economic analysis was broadcast around the world and widely respected. Prior to joining the BBC, she was a speechwriter and senior advisor to US Treasury Secretary Lawrence H. Summers in the Second Clinton Administration. She holds a degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics from Oxford University and Master's in Public Administration from Kennedy School of Government. She is also the Governor of the National Institute for Economic and Social Research and the Ditchley Foundation and a Trustee for the Kennedy Memorial Trust.

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