Trading et Valorisation des Dérivés sur Bloomberg | Bloomberg Professional Services

Trading Et Valorisation Des Dérivés Sur Bloomberg

Rejoignez-nous pour découvrir comment le terminal Bloomberg peut vous servir dans vos activités sur les marchés des changes et produits dérivés. Au cours du webinaire, nous verrons comment les modèles de risque de Bloomberg ont été intégrés dans le terminal pour vous assister avec la valorisation d'instruments dérivés comme les fx-swaps et les Interest Rate Swaps. Ce webinaire vous donnera une idée d'un workflow qui vous permettra de pricer vos instruments, le traiter électroniquement, et de les intégrer dans un portefeuille où vous pouvez analyser la performances et les indicateurs de risque clés sur sur l'ensemble du portefeuille.


Bechir Trabelsi

Managing Director of the Reserves and Market Management

Central Bank of Tunisia

Bechir Trabelsi is the Managing Director of the Reserves and Market Management at the Central Bank of Tunisia, and President of the Forex Club of Tunisia. Mr Trabelsi has assumed several responsibilities at various areas of reserve management and FX markets at the Central Bank of Tunisia. He led the projects to modernize reserve management practices that began in 2011, and he is the founder of the Risk and Quantitative Analysis division within the Central Bank. He has also been in charge of leading FX market reform projects since 2012

Sami Jamjam

Fixed Income, Rates and Credit Derivatives Workflow Specialist, MEA

Bloomberg L.P.

Sami Jamjam is a market specialist at Bloomberg. He leads the fixed income and derivatives product strategy across the Middle-East and Africa. Prior to joining Bloomberg, Sami has spent almost 10 years in investment banking within fixed income quantitative research and strategies. Sami holds a Masters in Financial Mathematics from University Paris 7 as well as a Bachelors in Applied Mathematics from the same university.

Max Comparetti

Electronic Trading Sales Specialist

Bloomberg L.P.

Max Comparetti has been based in the Bloomberg office in Dubai since 2012 where he has focused on developing the Electronic Trading Franchise of Bloomberg in Middle East and Africa. Initially focused on the FX markets, he has then expanded his coverage to Fixed Income and Equities working on various projects with Government Agencies, Sovereign Wealth Funds, Hedge Funds, Banks and Corporations. Prior to that Max spent more than a decade in London working for Bloomberg in various roles and over the last couple of years focusing on FX electronic trading in continental Europe. In his previous jobs he worked in Telecom and Private Banking.

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