Women in Fintech: Engaging employees on continued STEM education | Bloomberg Professional Services

Women in Fintech: Engaging Employees on Continued STEM Education

Bloomberg's Women in Fintech series kicked off in December of 2017 in New York and has brought together over 1,200 women from across the fintech industry globally to discuss career stories and challenges, develop professionally and to grow their networks while getting to know their peers.In 2020, as the world stayed home, Women in Fintech expanded this breakfast series into the homes of our community through our virtual events. We held a successful virtual event in June on the topic of Artificial Intelligence, and this October 8th, we will hold our next event focusing on STEM and engaging employees on continued STEM education.Making STEM education more accessible and attainable to young women benefits them and their future employers by creating opportunities for growth and expanding workplace perspectives. Collaboration between public and private organizations and engagement with young women in their working lives is essential to encouraging continuous learning and inspiring future leaders.Additionally, keeping your top talent educated on STEM-related work is critical to their progression in their careers. This panel will explore how our industry experts are keeping their employees on top of STEM-related career progression and how ongoing development is the key driving force to keeping them STEM ready.
Discussion topics:
 - How to make STEM education more accessible and attainable to young women
- The importance of creating opportunities for growth and expanding workplace perspectives
- Collaboration between public and private organizations
- How to keep your top talent educated on STEM-related work


Alyssa Gilmore

Global Head of Communications Bloomberg Financial Products


Alyssa Gilmore is the Global Head of Communications for Bloomberg Financial Products. She leads an international team that manages and promotes the company's brand and reputation through advances in media relations, content creation, customer advocacy, competitive intelligence, and third-party influence. Prior to joining Bloomberg in 2014, Alyssa held management positions in marketing and communications at SunGard Financial Systems, where she also created SunGard’s global analyst relations division. Since entering the Financial Technology sector with Thomson Financial in 1996, she has led strategic initiatives in front and back office solutions, risk management and corporate banking. Alyssa is a recognized commentator on the the communications profession, financial media and the evolution of fintech. She serves on the Museum of American Finance Communications Executives Advisory Panel.

Trevor Allen

Sustainability Research Analyst

BNP Paribas

Trevor Allen heads up Sustainability Research for our Global Markets research division, Markets 360. He produces Sustainability themed based research, providing insights into how Sustainable Finance is impacting markets globally and how clients can profit by investing with a Sustainable Finance focus. He was previously a sales manager and product development manager specialising in the risk and performance division for BNP Paribas. He has over 12 years of experience working for BNP Paribas in the US, the UK and France, where he has worked with new and existing clients to create and tailor risk and performance reporting products to their needs, and helped these clients to gain a deeper understanding of the impact on their investments. Since 2014, Trevor has been dedicated to researching Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors to understand how these elements are driving the risk and the risk-adjusted performance of investment portfolios. He also analysed how individual company CO2 footprints and business controversies impact the investment and asset allocation thesis. He speaks regularly at conferences across Europe on sustainability. He holds degrees in finance and an MBA from Arcadia University in the US, and a Post-Graduate Certificate in Sustainable Business from the University of Cambridge.

Martina Satherlund

Global Head of Market Data

Fidelity International

The last 3 years I have worked for Fidelity and have spearheaded global programmes ranging from automation and process improvements to global Market Data strategies and cloud enablement. Before that I spent 14 years working in the field of Market- and Reference Data. I have worked extensively with all types of capital markets data, and expanded my expertise in financial markets into areas such as evaluated pricing services, reference data management and derived/non-display data. My previous roles have included head of research & analytics, head of global relationship management, global project manager, and senior market data consultant. I have been involved in projects ranging from: derivatives products research, analysis of trading venues’ agreements and distribution policies and analysis of evaluated pricing services providers. With a solid understanding of vendor and exchange policies, strong focus on achieving my clients’ strategic objectives and the ability to create enduring business relationships. I have a strong passion for diversity and I been a big contributor to starting our Women in Technology group, where our aim is to give a platform for women in technology at Fidelity to build up their network, as well as provide a podium to showcase the talent and role models we have in the organisation.

Marisa Sterling

Assistant Dean

University of Toronto & President of Professional Engineers Ontario

Marisa Sterling is a distinguished engineer and academic administrator. She has over 20 years of experience working and volunteering in the engineering field, in both the private and public sectors. Most recently she served as the elected vice president of PEO and is currently the assistant dean and director of diversity, inclusion and professionalism at the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering. Sterling previously worked in the consumer products industry in R&D and brand management, and for PEO as manager of enforcement and lead of the repeal of the industrial exception. Her extensive strategic and operational stewardship has positively impacted students and engineers. Through the Ontario Professional Engineers Foundation for Education, a charity where she served as president for 8 years, she has helped develop student knowledge and skills. Sterling has also advanced EIT leadership development by helping create PEO’s G. Gordon M. Sterling Engineering Intern Award, named after her late father, who was also a PEO president. With the advancements of technology, she has been championing the Engineering Change Lab to find ways to transform the engineering community to better serve the people of Ontario. A chemical engineer from the University of Toronto and a member of the Oxford Business Alumni Network, Sterling received the University of Toronto’s Arbor Award in 2015, the Engineers Canada Meritorious Service Award for Community Service in 2016, named a Woman of Distinction by the Canadian National Exhibition Association in 2016, made a fellow of Engineers Canada in 2017 and received the Canada 150 Heritage Pin in 2018. In her spare time, she enjoys being a Warden of Camp 1 and annually obligating students and graduates who have the academic qualifications for the P.Eng. licence.

Yunfei Xu

Software Engineering Manager


Yunfei Xu is a software engineering manager at Bloomberg LP, where she oversees the global Financial Analytics Engineering department. In this role, she is responsible for a diverse engineering team building world class, enterprise level pricing, valuation, portfolio and risk analytics platforms across Fixed Income, Structured Products and Derivatives financial asset classes.

Pamela Hutchinson

Global Head of Diversity and Inclusion

Bloomberg L.P.

Pamela is the Global Head of Diversity and Inclusion at Bloomberg. In this role, she leads the company’s global diversity and inclusion initiatives around the world whilst establishing strategic direction, goals and accountability. Pamela is cited as one of the most visible and vocal thought leaders and advocates for diversity across the private sector and has more than 20 years’ experience in managing diversity across engineering, financial services, technology and media. Pamela has worked at firms including Barclay’s, Bechtel Ltd, Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs and Northern Trust and has been instrumental in firmly establishing ethnic diversity as an imperative across the City, whilst being a visible and vocal campaigner for equality. Pamela was recognised in the Top 50 Part Time Power List 2014, was a finalist in the Financial Services Leader category at the inaugural Black British Business Awards 2014, and was a finalist in the European Diversity Awards 2013 in the “Inspirational Role Model of the Year” category. In addition, Pamela has been featured in every Powerlist since 2017, was awarded Head of Diversity of the Year in the 2016 European Diversity Awards, and was featured in the 2016 & 2017 Global Diversity List Top 50 Diversity Professionals. In 2020, Pamela was honored as “Gender Equality/Diversity Professional of the Year” in WatersTechnology’s Women in Technology and Data Awards and was listed in the Top 20 Diversity Professionals in Industry on the Global Diversity List in both 2020 & 2021. In 2021, Pamela was also included on the Cranfield School of Management’s 100 Women to Watch, a supplement to its annual Female FTSE Board Report that identifies leading female professionals available for and ideally suited to positions on the boards of FTSE 350 companies now or in the near future.

Deirdre Bigley

Chief Marketing Officer

Bloomberg L.P.

Deirdre Bigley, Chief Marketing Officer for Bloomberg L.P. Deirdre Bigley is a seasoned marketing executive whose career has focused on the high technology and financial services industries. As Chief Marketing Officer, Deirdre oversees the marketing for all Bloomberg businesses globally. This includes all market management, brand strategy, digital, content, events and the in-house creative agency. Prior to joining Bloomberg in 2009, Bigley spent 13 years at IBM, served in increasingly more senior positions, managing a variety of marketing and sales initiatives and serving her final years as Vice President of World Wide Advertising and Interactive, and Vice President of Worldwide Brand. Bigley began her career on the agency side, having worked at Ogilvy & Mather Worldwide in New York and additional agencies in Boston, New Jersey and Dallas. Bigley was appointed to Shutterstock, Inc. Board of Directors in 2016. She joined the WIX.com Board of Directors in 2017. In 2019, Bigley was appointed to the Slice Board of Directors and in 2020 she joined the Recorded Future Board. Deirdre serves on the not-for-profit MAKERS Board of Directors devoted to the fight for gender equality. She has been honored with a number of awards throughout her career, including AWNY Top 50 Women in Advertising, the Gertrude Crain Award for Top Women in Business Marketing, B2B Magazine Top Marketer and Top Integrated Campaign and Working Mother Magazine's Top Established Mom Award.

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