Bloomberg Liquidity Assessment | Bloomberg Professional Services
A comprehensive liquidity solution
Whether you require state-of-the-art liquidity assessment calculations for investment research or a robust regulatory stress testing solution, Bloomberg’s LQA provides the liquidity metrics you need across the entire trade lifecycle.
Risk managers and controllers

Regulatory and investment reporting

• Regulatory compliance

• Internal governance

• Investor relations (retail, fund of fund, institutional)

• PRIIPs & MiFID II support

Portfolio risk and analytics

• Establishing risk limits

• Early warning indicators

• Liquidity adjusted VaR

Trading support

• Ex-ante analysis

• Collateral management

• Benchmarking

• Profiling

• Transfer pricing

• Look through transparency

Investment strategists, portfolio managers and traders

Investment research

Liquidity metrics trend analysis:

• Decreasing market depth

• Increasing costs

Investment models

• Relative Liquidity Comparison using absolute measures

• Average cost of funding (collateral repos)

• Establishing trading mandates

Portfolio construction & optimization

• Optimizing basket selection

• Minimizing alpha loss due to trading costs

• Pre-positioning ahead of asset rotation

• Minimizing redemption cost

Bloomberg Liquidity Assessment Solutions
Connect with a Liquidity Specialist

Download our product guides to learn more

LQA Solutions Fact Sheet

A quick overview of Bloomberg's liquidity solutions
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Portfolio Liquidity Assessment (LQAP) Fact Sheet

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ESMA Liquidity Stress Testing Brochure

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JFSA/JITA Brochure

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SFC Brochure

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SEC 22e-4 Fact Sheet

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Solutions for Hedge Funds
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