
Turning $100 Into $1,000,000: A Student’s Guide to Investing

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Making an investment decision can certainly be overwhelming. From commonly talked about metrics like market cap and earnings per share to more granular items like betas and P/E ratios, there still remains a long list of factors that investors use to judge performance. So what does this process look like for someone who is not specialized in this industry? What are the first steps anyone can do to increase their knowledge and make more informed investment decisions?

Join Bloomberg for Education as we dive into the major tools we can use to screen for investment ideas that match your risk appetite. We will highlight various asset classes, analyze filters that can be used in an equity screen, review and monitor historical and forecasted metrics, and explore our news tools to be up to date on the latest company information. These tools and features we will show you are the same ones used by professional money managers as they navigate the market and invest their portfolio. The purpose of this presentation is not to advise you towards specific investments, but rather to demonstrate our tools to help you make your decision.

In this presentation, we will:
- Explore the key fundamental questions every investor should investigate prior to investing
- Apply standard fundamental analyses to any company and look at technical analysis studies using charts and heat maps
- Discover market monitors that help you understand markets and where they may be heading
- Analyze our pre-made excel template that tracks annual returns across major indices
- Share a takeaway assignment in which you can practice what you've learned


kai blatnicky

Equity Specialist


Kai Blatnicky spent 15-years as an M&A investment bankers at CIBC World Markets in both Canada and the U.S. before transitioning to the buy side where he was an Analyst at Millennium Management, a large New York Hedge Fund. After Millennium, Kai was a Portfolio Manager for a US mutual fund focused on dividends. Kai has been at Bloomberg for more than six years and helps clients with equity functionality. Kai graduated from McGill University in Canada and holds the CFA and CAIA designations.

Lakshmi Babureddy

Bloomberg L.P.

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