
MAC3 Global Inflation Linked Bonds Models – EMEA

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Inflation has been rising across the globe. In the webinar, we present the new MAC3 global inflation-linked bond risk model and compare its backtest performance with legacy GRM. In addition, we introduce the flexible attribution framework for inflation-linked bonds (nominal and real curve attribution). We conclude with an interesting case study to highlight the insights from these models. - Overview of inflation linkers: pricing model and analytics
- MAC3 global inflation-linked bonds factor model 
- Backtest performance of MAC3 vs legacy GRM
- Case study: real curve attribution for inflation linked index


Changxiu Li

Senior Quantitative Researcher


Changxiu (Sue) is a Portfolio modeler in the Fixed Income Portfolio Analytics group. In this role, she is responsible for developing the portfolio analytics, risk models and performance attribution models that power Bloomberg fixed income portfolios. Prior to joining Bloomberg, Sue worked as a quantitative modeler and desk strategist at Lehman Brothers, Morgan Stanley and Barclays, specializing in fixed income asset classes.

Yingjin Gan

Head of Fixed Income Portfolio Research


Yingjin Gan heads up the fixed income portfolio risk and analytics research group at Bloomberg. She leads the research effort on developing fixed income risk models and performance attribution models. She also plays an important role in model implementation, quality control, and model publications. She joined the team in December 2008. Prior to Bloomberg, Yingjin worked at Lehman Brothers’ Fixed Income Research Department since 2005. Her role was to develop the performance attribution capabilities of Lehman’s portfolio management platform (POINT), and market the platform to asset managers, hedge funds and insurance companies. Yingjin graduated from the Wharton school, University of Pennsylvania with a Ph.D in Applied Economics in 2005.

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