
New Energy Outlook 2024

The window to reach net-zero emissions by 2050 is rapidly closing but there is still time for the world to get on track – if decisive action is taken now. Failure to do so risks putting even a 1.75C global warming target out of reach. Progress has been made. The energy transition has accelerated in recent years with the pace of clean technology deployment and capital investment surging to record levels. And while emissions remain stubbornly high despite that momentum, with an even faster ramp-up of everything from renewables to green fuels, BloombergNEF sees carbon neutrality by mid-century as a tough but achievable stretch.

This year’s New Energy Outlook presents two scenarios that connect the dots between sectors, countries and technologies to map out how the transition could proceed from here. Our Net Zero Scenario charts country-level and global pathways to net zero by 2050, meeting the goals of the Paris Agreement. Meanwhile, our Economic Transition Scenario shows how the transition could unfold solely based on economic forces and technology tipping points that push the balance in favor of low-carbon technologies, without further policy action.


David Hostert

Lead Author, Global Head of Economics and Modelling


David Hostert heads the Economics, Modelling and Lead Author of BNEF’s New Energy Outlook research group at BloombergNEF, focussing on scenarios for the transition to a low-carbon economy. He is the lead author of the New Energy Outlook, an independent set of credible and consistent scenarios anchored in real-word sector and country transitions, for use by corporations, financial institutions and policy makers. David previously led the European research group and the global wind research teams at BloombergNEF. He holds degrees in philosophy, economics and environmental policy from the University of Cambridge and the University of Bayreuth, Germany.

Matthias Kimmel

Head of Energy Economics


Matthias Kimmel is the head of Energy Economics at BloombergNEF. He leads the analysis for the New Energy Outlook, BloombergNEF’s long-term analysis of the global energy sector, focusing on power and industry. Before joining BloombergNEF, Matthias worked at the Environment Directorate of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Matthias has a Master of Public Policy from Duke University, with a specialization in energy and climate change economics.

Ian Berryman

Lead Energy Systems Modeler


Ian Berryman is the Lead Energy Systems Modeler at BloombergNEF. He heads the modeling for the New Energy Outlook, Bloomberg's annual long-term analysis on the future of energy and emissions.


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